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This is a Discord bot using the discord.js library for node.js. This code is licensed under GPL v3.0. Read LICENSE.txt for the terms and conditions of this license.

Before starting the bot

Rename config_example.json to config.json, then modify the config. Check Config for details.
Run npm install to install the dependencies (discord.js)

Running the bot

Run node bot to start the bot. All bot messages will be printed to the console and also to the file specified in the config.


logFile (string): Specifies the log file. Default value: bot.log
maxLogLines (number): Maximum number of lines per archived log file before creating a new one. Default value: 250.
disableLog (boolean): If true, logging to file is disabled.
useDBConfig (boolean): If true, the config will be read from the database.
saveDBConfig (boolean): If true, the config will be saved into the database.
database (string): Specifies the database provider.
database (object):

  • provider (string): Specifies the database provider.
  • options (object): Specifies the database options. This is optional and can be omitted when the options are set inside the database object.

token (string): Discord login token for the bot.
reconnectTime (number): Amount of seconds to wait to reconnect after Discord's WebSocket gets closed. Set to -1 to disable reconnecting or to 0 to try immediately. Note: discord.js automatically reconnects after 5.5 seconds. Default value: 30 seconds.
prefix (string): Prefix to be used by the bot. Set to "" to use only mention prefixes. Guilds can still enable normal prefixes. Default value: "" (no prefix).
ownerID (string|string[]): ID or array of IDs with owner permission.



Check moduleBase for details on each property, core module for an example implementation and commandArgs for the command args object.


Discord bot for node.js







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