This is based on the timescaledb image defined in fly-apps/postgres-flex
- pg_lakehouse
- timescaledb
- postgres_fdw
- pg_search
- pgvector
- pg_cron
Add script to modify postgresql.conf to include extensionsThis proved not to be possible given the way that Fly aggressively manages config files. You can only change settings usingfly postgres config
. - Add script to activate extensions in the database
- Add support for pgxman or trunk for package management --makes installation of extensions easier
- If not already done, build the image and push to Docker Hub via the following commands:
docker build . -t <your-dockerhub-username>/flypg-extended:latest --platform "linux/amd64" -f extended.Dockerfile
- Deploy a new postgres cluster on Fly using the following command:
fly postgres create --image-ref <your-dockerhub-username>/flypg-extended:latest
fly secrets set --app risekit-analytics-db \
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=#################### \
refers to the foreign data wrapper username used by the analytics database to connect to the replica database. It is currently set to mike
, but should probably be set to risekit-analytics
or something similar.
Because Fly aggressively manages the PostgreSQL configuration files, there does not seem to be a way to set this value at build time. Instead, it must be set post-deployment:
fly postgres config update --shared-preload-libraries repmgr,timescaledb,pg_lakehouse,pg_cron
This will set the ENV
variables defined in fly.toml
fly deploy
The following script will initialize extensions, foreign data tables, and a materialized view. It will also setup a pg_cron
job to refresh that view:
fly ssh console --pty -C '/usr/local/bin/' -s
Note that this command has to be run on the primary node of the cluster.
You should now be able to connect to the database:
fly proxy 5433 # connect via wireguard as usual
And run the following queries:
-- Checks if connection to S3 is working
SELECT * from recommendations_dictionaries LIMIT 1;
-- Checks if the materialized view is working
SELECT * FROM recommendations_view LIMIT 1;
-- Checks if the pg_cron job has been created
SELECT * FROM cron.job;
-- Checks if the pg_cron job has been run
-- (should be empty until the first run, which is scheduled on the hour)
SELECT * FROM cron.job_run_details;
This query illustrates how to extract values from the jsonb
dictionary in recommendations_view
data->>'_surrogate_key_hash' AS surrogate_key_hash,
data->>'job_title_normalized' AS job_title_normalized,
data->>'job_resource_title' AS job_resource_title,
data->>'job_created_at' AS job_created_at,
data->>'job_zip3' AS job_zip3,
data->>'job_expire_at' AS job_expire_at,
data->>'candidate_id' AS candidate_id,
data->>'candidate_zip3' AS candidate_zip3,
data->>'candidate_job_title' AS candidate_job_title,
data->>'candidate_job_title_normalized' AS candidate_job_title_normalized,
data->>'job_resource_link_id' AS job_resource_link_id,
data->>'normalized_candidate_job_title_match_score' AS normalized_candidate_job_title_match_score
FROM recommendations_view
ORDER BY job_created_at DESC
SELECT cron.unschedule('refresh_recommendations_view', '0 * * * *', 'refresh materialized view recommendations_view');
Since an analytics database is likely to be read-heavy, with a smaller number of simultaneous connections, the following configuration could potentially increase performance. It does not reflect potential use of timescaledb
or pg_vector
fly postgres config update \
--max-connections 20 # from 300 \
--maintenance-work-mem 512MB # from 65 MB \
--work-mem 13MB # from 4 MB