Write a Phrase class that counts the number of times a word is used in a given string, keeping count of each occurrence in a hash.
For example for the input "olly olly in come free"
{ 'olly' => 2, 'in' => 1, 'come' => 1, 'free' => 1 }
Copy examples/week4/word_count/ to a new working directory (using cp -R
to copy a directory) and do your work there. Create a new git repository for this work, and when you're done, push your code to github and share the URL in Campfire.
If you finish early, help someone else! Mention that you're done and free to help in Campfire, put your name up on the white board so if anyone in the class could use a hand they'll know they can talk to you, or take a few minutes and look at someone else's solution via the github link they post in Campfire.
If you'd like more challenge, I have an additional set of extra credit specs you can take a crack at.