WARNING!!!: This mod requires the experimental builds for it to work.
This is the gigantic jabberwock of a mod that adds a lot of content to the game. It adds new items, buildings, scenarios, monsters, etc. It also reworks and adds alternatives to many things from recipes to scenarios. It also adds a pseudo-story and lore on the works.
The Bio-Weapon, Super Soldier, Commandeer, Slave Fighters and the Old World Prepper NPC factions join the world.
Seek the Bio-weapons, find loot, take down news monsters and invest in skills for new craftable items.
Good luck, Survivor!
Special Thanks:
- Malkeus - Spell checking the mod/helping with monster spawn rates.
- Random_dragon - Helping with NPC interactions.
- ValidQA - Emergency fix (AEP_PBLUE)/Aesthetic text changes.
- pisskop - Maintain the mod in my absence and help make our mods compatible.
Here is my github for this project:
Github: https://github.com/Noctifer-de-Mortem/nocs_cata_mod
Go here to comment and questions more directly and forward your own ideas and changes! PR contributions are welcome and encouraged.
Download here:
Onedrive: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ajb7I9_jqo4TgUv0lDQfCskI_C0K
Feedback is welcomed! Hope it’s fun.
Warning: Spoilers Ahead!
New Items (Weapons):
- bio laser pistol: Finger Laser CBM turned into a pistol. Very accurate, but not particularly damaging.
- chain lightning rifle: Rifle built with parts salvaged from Chain Lightning CBM. Fires bolts of electricity that jump between nearby enemies.
- MX-84 laser sniper: A single shot laser rifle designed to deal massive damage to a single target. Intended to be used as a long-range support weapon by modern special forces. Powered by UPS, it fires a single powerful laser beam at the target. Its manufacturer is unknown.
- BR-96 bolt rifle: An electronic rifle that fires crossbow bolts accelerated to high speeds. Powered by UPS. Intended to be used in wilderness operations, allowing the user to reuse or manufacture ammunition. Its manufacturer is unknown.
- Biological Rifle: A rifle made out of fleshy material enclosed by metal. It fires... something - something quite damaging and flammable. It seems to absorb radiation and electricity. Occasionally it twitches or lets out disturbing noises that sound suspiciously like moans. Hopefully it's not sentient...
- ARC-314 laser carbine: An experimental laser carbine based on the A7. Compact, powerful and low ups consumption make it an improvement over its predecessor, even if it rattles a bit when fired. Features a fixed holographic sight that swivels aside and behind it more rail for another sight. Its manufacturer is unknown.
- KRX-108 laser LMG: An experimental laser LMG created for power. It is heavy, large and bulky but is very accurate and powerful per shot and cost effective. Has a built in auto targeting system for use as a vehicle turret. Its manufacturer is unknown.
- Survivor's Pneumatic LMG: A LMG version of the Pneumatic Assault Rifle. Has a way bigger magazine but does not allow to unload ammo. Has a higher burst of fire but increased recoil and less accurate. Made with modularity in mind. The addition of a foot crank as the firing mechanism increases noise slightly but makes it so it will never jam! A survivors best friend.
- Survivor's UPS Rifle: A rifle that converts UPS energy into pure laser. Uses 20 UPS charges per shot. Advance electronics prevent jams and makes it double as a turret. Futuristic survivor technology.
- Survivor's Crank Rifle: Somehow, after many days of research...you created it. A simple conversion now that you thing about it...Replace the motor of your UPS Rifle with a foot crank and bam...infinite ammo...lower performance, lower turret ability and jams are but small setbacks...
- Survivor's Battery Pistol: A simple electronic pistol. Draws the power from batteries and shoots it. Although weak, it shocks the target.
- Survivor's Battery Rifle: An electronic rifle. Draws the power from batteries and shoots it. Its complexity may cause jams Still weak but has higher damage than its pistol variant, it still shocks the target.
- Survivor's .223 Assault Rifle: A (mostly) homemade assault rifle built from a full auto receiver. While still lower quality over pre-cataclysm rifles, its superior to many other homemade weapons. Takes the .223 cartridge via its magazine.
- Survivor's .22 SMG: A (mostly) homemade SMG built from a full auto receiver. While still lower quality over pre-cataclysm SMGs, its superior to many other homemade weapons. Takes the .22 cartridge via its magazine.
- Survivor's 9mm SMG: A (mostly) homemade SMG built from a full auto receiver. While still lower quality over pre-cataclysm SMGs, its superior to many other homemade weapons. Takes the 9mm cartridge via its magazine.
- Survivor's .45 SMG: A (mostly) homemade SMG built from a full auto receiver. While still lower quality over pre-cataclysm SMGs, its superior to many other homemade weapons. Takes the .45 cartridge via its magazine.
- Survivor's .308 Assault Rifle: A (mostly) homemade assault rifle built from a full auto receiver. While still lower quality over pre-cataclysm rifles, its superior to many other homemade weapons. Takes the .308 cartridge via its magazine.
- Survivor's 7.62x39 Assault Rifle: A (mostly) homemade assault rifle built from a full auto receiver. While still lower quality over pre-cataclysm rifles, its superior to many other homemade weapons. Takes the 7.62x39 cartridge.
- Survivor's Full auto shotgun: A (mostly) homemade full auto shotgun built from a full auto receiver. While still lower quality over pre-cataclysm shotguns, its superior to many other homemade weapons. Takes the .12 gauge cartridge via its magazine.
- Survivor's .308 LMG: A (mostly) homemade LMG built from a full auto receiver. While still lower quality over pre-cataclysm LMGs, its superior to many other homemade weapons. Takes the .308 cartridge via its magazine.
- Survivor's 7.62x39 LMG: A (mostly) homemade LMG built from a full auto receiver. While still lower quality over pre-cataclysm LMGs, its superior to many other homemade weapons. Takes the 7.62x39 cartridge via its magazine.
- Survivor's .223 LMG: A (mostly) homemade LMG built from a full auto receiver. While still lower quality over pre-cataclysm LMGs, its superior to many other homemade weapons. Takes the .223 cartridge via its magazine.
- Survivor's Fighting Bow: A powerful bow that requires a strong archer to use. This bow has been designed carefully for accuracy, power and ease of use. The tips of the bow have makeshift blades to make this bow an efficient melee weapon when things get close and personal. Because of the blades, this bow cannot be worn and the only valid mods are sights.
- Survivor's Flintlock Sniper: The homemade rifle of a true marksman. A long barreled rifled rifle that shots paper cartridges. Using a straight pull open bolt receiver system makes reloading fairly quick. It uses a lighter's sparker to shoot it's ammunition. Very accurate and damaging but with high recoil, it is meant to shoot targets from afar in rapid succession.
- monomolecular sword: A foot-long sword made from high-tech alloy and edged with bonded nanocrystals. A welded metal handle and handguard allow you to hold it without slicing your hand open.
- bionic claw knuckles: Short and sharp claws made from a high-tech metal welded to metal knuckles. Lightweight and fast, wielding them feels as if you were bare-handed.
- biological sword: A foot-long sword made from metal enclosed flesh and bone. Its blade consist of razor sharp saw-like protrusions. Its bone handle fits well in hand due to shape of its handguard. Holding it makes you feel powerful... the sensation grows stronger with time.
- Survivor's Tazer Blade: A makeshift blade with a knuckle guard that doubles as a tazer. Has a wrap on the handle to prevent self shock.
- Survivor's Tazer Dual Blades: Two makeshift blades with knuckle guards that double as a tazer. Has a wrap on the handle to prevent self shock.
New Items (Weapon Mods):
- aux diesel flamethrower: A variant of the aux flamethrower intended for diesel.
- aux .22 pistol: An underbarrel .22 pistol. Has a 30 round magazine.
- aux 9mm pistol: An underbarrel 9mm pistol. Has a 18 round magazine.
- aux .45 pistol: An underbarrel .45 pistol. Has a 12 round magazine.
- Survivor's Laser sight: A sight made for maximum target acquisition. It is composed of a small makeshift red dot sight that emits a laser beam at what it targets. The reticule in the sight allows proper aiming while the laser beam allows for quick target aim.
- LMG carry handle: A handle on the side of a LMG to help in hip fire. Reduces target acquisition time and sight dispersion but increases recoil and dispersion.
New Items (Ammunition):
- Paper Mineball cartridge: A paper cartridge containing black powder and a Mineball. A paper enclosed version of the historic projectile of the USA Civil war. The Mineball is still as deadly and accurate as ever.
New Items (Armor & Storage):
- Survivor's Archer Backpack: A custom-built backpack modified furthered to be an archer's best friend. Lots of storage, manageable encumbrance and a built in quiver.
- Survivor's Scout Suit: A home-made suit build to live off the land. Comes with ample storage, warm fur lining, environmental and physical protection, a built in watch, a built-in gas mask and a makeshift sheath ring. This suit looks very good on you, in a post-cataclysmic sort of way.
- Survivor's Armored Scout Suit: A home-made suit build to live off the land. Comes with ample storage, warm fur lining, environmental and physical protection, a built in watch, a built-in gas mask and a makeshift sheath ring. The suit is carefully crafted of Kevlar fabric and reinforced in metal. This suit looks very good on you, in a post-cataclysmic sort of way.
- Bio-Weapon badge: A round silver medallion that identifies the wearer as a part of the Bio-Weapon project.
- Stealth Cloak: An experimental cloak that uses a highly sophisticated network of cameras and LEDs to render the user fully invisible. It is powered by built-in torsion ratchets. Due to particularities of its construction, it is very difficult to move in, hampering wearer's strength, dexterity and movement speed.
- pair of Mute Boots: Experimental reinforced boots that completely silence your steps, but also slow your movement.
- pair of radiogenic goggles: Experimental goggles that use gamma radiation emitters, allowing the user to see through walls and in the dark. Prolonged use is not recommended due to danger of radiation poisoning.
- light military armor: A full body light suit of grey bulletproof armor. 'Easy' to move in at the cost of unarmored joints.
- military armor: A full body suit of grey bulletproof armor. Somewhat 'easy' to move in by having joints jointed by leather.
- heavy military armor: A full body suit of grey bulletproof armor. Difficult to move in because of steel reinforcement.
- designer bra: A luxurious designer bra. Serves its purpose and looks good on you.
- thong: Women's underwear that covers a little less than normal in exchange for stares.
- dress skirt: A professional looking cotton skirt. Easy to move in, and has two small pockets.
- microskirt: A skirt that is on the short side. No pockets but it is comfortable to wear.
New Items (CBM):
- Laser Gatling Arm CBM: Your left arm is currently transformed into a ups powered laser gatling gun. Fire it as if it was any other gun.
- Monomolecular Sword CBM: A deadly yard-long blade made of advanced material now resides inside your forearm, capable of being extended through the back of your wrist at the cost of a small amount of power. Though exceptionally sharp, it will prevent you from holding anything else while extended.
- Dual-Hand Flamethrower CBM: Implanted in the palms of your hands lie a compact flamethrower system that uses bionic power and oxygen in the air as ignition, use as any other gun.
New Items (Books, Maps & Notes):
- Survivor Combatives: A journal with a tutorial on various unorthodox combat mechanics.
- Survivor's Cookbook: A notebook filed with ideas for lots of makeshift gadgets and gizmos. Once the ideas of mad-man with too much free time are now invaluable knowledge.
- Directions to My Bugout Location: This is the location of the Bugout location my friend and I ordered to be made, I should really memorize this...
- Map to Unknown Lab: This is map made by a former scientist of the Bio-Weapon project. It marks the location of an abandoned laboratory, where a great enemy resides.
- mysterious note: "We have to move away from this place, now. That thing is coming, and if we don't get out in time, we're all dead. Grab what you can and head to this location - we'll be establishing a temporary hideout there."
- hand-drawn map: "Finally. I've figured out the coordinates of that lab the terminal records referred to. From what I can tell, there must be some things of value left inside, and I don't think there's anyone left to care if I take a look."
- Encampment project reminder: A note describing a group of people creating prepper settlements. You try to remember if there is any of them nearby. Maybe the back of the note has coordinates to their settlements.
New Items (Tools):
- Solar flashlight: his is a heavy duty LED solar flashlight. Using this flashlight will turn it on and provide light, assuming it is charged with batteries. Reload more batteries or put in the sun to charge.
- Can Forge: This is a portable light source/forge/food cooker made from a soda can with pebbles reinforcing the inner wall, powered by charcoal. It is used to meltdown metals, cook some food and providing low light for crafting.
- metal mold: This is a plastic mold. It could be shaped and used to craft items made of metal.
- Molded Hammer: This is a molded metal hammer with a metal handle. It functions like a professional hammer but it is bulkier and weights more adding a little bashing power.
- Molded Knife: This is a sharpened molded metal blade with a metal handle. Works better than sharpening any old metal.
- Molded Pot: A metal molded pot. Works as intended.
- Molded Shovel: This is a molded metal shovel with a metal handle. Works as a normal shovel but is bulkier.
- Molded Axe: This is a molded metal axe with a metal handle. Works as a regular wood axe but is bulkier.
- Solar electric fire-starter: This is a crudely made electric fire-starter modded to recharge in the sun, which can function as an inefficient lighter.
- Wearable Solar flashlight: This is a heavy duty LED solar flashlight with straps for wear. Using this flashlight will turn it on and provide light, assuming it is charged with batteries. Reload more batteries or put in the sun to charge.
- Fishing String: A long string with a hook attached to the end. Useful as a crude fishing tool. Requires Bait as lure and sinker.
- Solar Battery Recharger: A makeshift solar battery recharger made from a modified rechargeable battery mod. Input batteries, put in the sun, batteries charge, take them out, simple.
- Solar torch: A mysterious torch that uses the power of the sun (and blob goo) to lit itself. Somehow, the gasoline synthesized goo produces gasoline when in the sun continuously soaking the rag making it 'rechargeable' in a sense. You need a lighter to turn it on. One lit, it can't be turned off until all fuel is used.
- Gasoline Synthesizing blob glob: A piece of glob that has begun to create gasoline when exposed to the sun. The gasoline it creates is too mixed up with the glob to be extracted but is still flammable.
- Goo jerrycan: A former plastic jerrycan taken over by the gasoline goo. Now it fills the jerry can with gasoline when exposed to the sun. Unload to enjoy!
- Molded Saw: A Molded saw that somewhat combines the utilities of a wood and metal saws.
- Survival in a Can: A large tin can held together by a tab and seal. Remove the seal to split the can into two smaller can and reveal its contents. It contains carefully packed survival items with a list of them on the side of the can. You could not possibly put its contents back together.
- Hammer Multi-tool: A multi-tool who's top is a hammer and a pair of pliers combined. Small and practical, the survivor's mini-tool-kit.
- bio-injector: An odd, organic-looking auto-injector that slowly secretes some sort of red, blood-like substance. From what you can understand from the label, it's an experimental stimulant that stabilizes minor wounds and increases performance at a cost of inflicting pain.
- scout's tool: This is an electronic, solar/rechargeable battery powered, bulky wrist mounted tool designed to provide an accurate topographical map of your surroundings when used. It also comes with digital clock and alarm features.
- organic infusion set: A strange infusion set with several organic-looking parts. It has multiple tubes for simultaneous extraction and infusion of blood. Its label refers to something called XE037 as the main active component.
- Mil Surp Weapons Pack: A box sold in military surplus store targeted to the civilian market. Offers a military surplus rifle, shoulder strap, ammo, basic maintenance kit with batteries, and pocket guide book.
- paracord bracelet: A simple bracelet made out of paracord. Disassemble for some string.
- paracord survival watch: A simple wristwatch on a plastic band wrapped with a paracord bracelet and a thermometer attached. Tells the time and has an alarm clock feature.
New Items (Vehicle Parts):
- Survivor's Station: A makeshift vehicle mountable station that comprises of many utilities all compressed into a single unit. Has no cargo space due to all the components it is made out of.
New Items (Components):
- .22 full auto receiver: A scavenged full auto receiver, use it to craft a full auto .22 firearm.
- .223 full auto receiver: A scavenged full auto receiver, use it to craft a full auto .223 firearm.
- .308 full auto receiver: A scavenged full auto receiver, use it to craft a full auto .308 firearm.
- 9mm full auto receiver: A scavenged full auto receiver, use it to craft a full auto 9mm firearm.
- .45 full auto receiver: A scavenged full auto receiver, use it to craft a full auto .45 firearm.
- 12 gauge full auto receiver: A scavenged full auto receiver, use it to craft a full auto 12 gauge firearm.
- 7.62x39 full auto receiver: A scavenged full auto receiver, use it to craft a full auto 7.62x39 firearm.
- Full auto receiver case: A case for a full auto receiver, with a full auto mechanism and a specific caliber casing, you can make a full auto receiver.
New professions:
- Canned Survivor: You were a very busy person. That's why you bought a can of survival items and called it a day. Now its the only thing you have. (1)
- Primitive Survivalist: You knew the day would come, the day it all went to shit. You prepared yourself, not by gear but sheer skill; all those days in the woods paid off. If your ancestors survived with no tech, you'll be damned if you don't. (6)
- Prepper: You were paranoid about the world ending so you jumped on the prepper bandwagon. You read a book on survival and got yourself a gun pack and a some gear. The cataclysm was not what you expected. (5)
- Awakened: You were awoken in the middle of the night by a noise. Armed only with a flashlight you went to investigate, now you face the cataclysm. (0)
- Bionic Cyclist: Your training and augmentation for the Cyber-Olympics cycling competition gave you an edge on escaping the start of the cataclysm. Can you keep on running from it forever? (6)
- Welder: You worked as a welder for an off shore company before the cataclysm. You were on your way back home when it struck. At least you got the tools of your craft. (4)
- Failed Bio-Weapon: From the moment you opened your eyes you knew you were a failure, a reject. Destined to be something great but many a mistake took that away from you. You awoke in a world of monsters, now you join them, brethren... (2)
- Fungus Failed Bio-Weapon: Assimilation process is complete, incorporation and modification of biology and bionics into our system was successful. Protection of our new domain and brethren is our current objective. Inability to remove previous DNA marker is but a minor setback. (4)
- Bio-Weapon Alpha: 'The Predator'. You were the first, the Alpha. Created to sow chaos behind enemy lines, driven by hunger. You awoke into the unknown with an appetite - good thing the world is full of prey to devour!
- Bio-Weapon Beta: Combat Expert. Completely armored, tough, resistant to environment and Integrated weapons are part of its arsenal.
- Bio-Weapon Gamma: The sentient repair tool. Can destroy, control or repair any machine and to an extend people too. Uses lighting as main weapon or can use UPS based weapons as well.
- Bio-Weapon Delta: Master sniper, Able to infiltrate a place, befriend the enemy and kill them from afar. Has wilderness survival abilities for when in enemy territory. Weapons are a laser sniper rifle, powerful but energy consuming, and a bolt rifle that uses little ups energy but is very powerful.
- Bio-Weapon Hunter: Former military hacker who learner about the bio-weapon project and used the military's resources to augment themselves.
- Slave Fighter (Blade): One type of slave fighter augmented to use a blade as a weapon, fast and agile.
- Slave Fighter (Claws): One type of slave fighter augmented to use claws as their weapon, delivers powerful strikes.
- Slave Fighter (Shocker): One type of slave fighter augmented to shock clouds of electricity at their foes, can damage multiple foes at once.
- Slave Fighter (Weapon Master): One type of slave fighter augmented to use any weapon under the sun, adapts to the situation.
- Super Soldier: The infantry of the Super Soldier project. You are one of many augmented soldiers to be deployed into a battle field to ensure victory. With range and melee, and regenerative capabilities, you engage enemies en-masse.
- Super Scout: The sniper of the Super Soldier project. You are one of a few augmented soldiers to be used for reconnaissance and V.I.P assassinations. With your weapons, regenerative and survival capabilities, you can eliminate key targets after living for weeks in enemy territory.
- Super Juggernaut: The tank of the Super Soldier project. You are one of a few augmented soldiers to be used as a heavy support to infantry. With ranged, melee, armor and regenerative capabilities, you can endure heavy damage and return it in kind.
- Super B.A.M.R.U: Biological and mechanical repair unit, the repairs man of the Super Soldier project. You are one of many augmented military repairmen to be used as a repair module. With repair and general electronic capabilities, you can maybe repair the world.
New scenarios:
- Bunker Evacuee: You had connections, or intel somehow..., and because of it, you found this LMOE Shelter. Its summer now and you somehow survived and now things got a little bit easier.
- Into the Wild: You tried to make it in the cities, you truly did. Things only got worse and you had to leave. You have skills to live in the woods, so that's where you headed. Its autumn now... winter is coming... they lurk by the trees... time to rebuild...
- Bio-Weapon Lab: You woke up, where are you? Who are you? What are you?! That doesn't matter right now... you have a bad feeling...
- Mycus B.W.M.D: After mycus assimilation was successful, our local system was instructed to claim more territory for the mycus. Hostile organism are near, proceed with caution.
- Slave Fighter's Freedoom: Puts you in the shoes of one of the slave fighters. They are all after you and you must escape before they kill you.
- Prepper Household: You knew something was coming, you prepared, when the dead rose, you knew what to do. With your house now barricaded, its time to put your plan into action.
- Super Soldier's Helicopter Crash: A Super Soldier transport helicopter was downed in the middle of the chaos, you awaken to the aftermath.
New Buildings:
- Survivor's Holdout: Has everything a survivor needs but it’s rare and its decently protected.
- Survivor Campsite: In the woods some survivors made temporary shelter and then left.
- Survivor Encampment: A group of survivors made a makeshift community and gathered supplies, deal with them and the place is yours!
- Bio-Weapon Lab: Were it all took place, were you were created, it’s overrun, and it may all end here. Small building with cloning vats, broken generators and broken computers.
- Makeshift Command Center: Former Bio-Weapon project personnel build a refuge facility for themselves, but from what?
- Unknown Lab: Another lab. Its use is clear once you reach there. Has a a good stash awaiting.
- Sketchy Cabin: Some out of place cabins seems to exist in the forest. You can hear the sound of fighting and smell the scent of death...
New Vehicles:
- Survivor's RV: Rare foldable bike with many utilities needed for survival.
- Survivor Tractor: A rare armored RV with many utilities and cargo, fully electric, and ups turrets.
- Chemistry Station: The equivalent of the welding cart but with an onboard chemistry set.
New Monsters:
- Failed Bio-Weapon: A walking bionic mutant. Deformed from its 'enhancements', and jealous of your existence, it hunts and kills whatever it finds.
- Zombie Failed Bio-Weapon: A zombie bionic mutant. One of the more 'enhanced' zombies. Dangerous on its own but even more so in groups.
- Bio-Weapon Apophis: The ultimate bionic mutant. Only god knows why it exists. With incredible power, armor and bionics on its side, victory won't come easy.
- Fungus Failed Bio-Weapon: This... thing is a failed experiment of science, whose biology has been overtaken by the fungus. Has various enhancements, both mutagenic and bionic, that it uses to serve its new overlord(s).
- Zombie Super Soldier: A zombie of a former member of the military. This one wields a particular rifle and bionics and appears to know how to use them.
- Zombie Super Juggernaut: A zombie of a former member of the military. This one wields a particular LMG, bionics and armor and appears to know how to use them.
- Zombie Super Scout: A zombie of a former member of the military. This one wields a particular rifle and bionics and appears to know how to use them.
- Zombie Super B.A.M.R.U: A zombie of a former member of the military. This one wields a particular pistol and bionics and appears to know how to use them.
- Alternative method of making charcoal: Use a cutting tool to make a hole in a can and drop it in with 2x4/heavy stick pieces into a fire and wait for an hour(all of it done in a crafting recipe.)
- The tazer blades can be separated quickly to be stored easily in separate sheathes.
- The collapsed bow is a crafting recipe but can be disassembled to become the bow again.
- A new martial art with its manual based on post-cataclysmic combat.
- Made clothing that should be attractive in core give morale bonus.
Rebalance of various core weapons:
- Laser weapons more costly
- Repeating crossbow can now burst again and uses archery skill
- Coilgun can burst
- Various Static and wandering NPCs with lore
- Added more functionalities to the Bionic Toolset
- Various ranged weapons double as turrets