Releases: BlowbackAgency/EmailObfuscation
Releases · BlowbackAgency/EmailObfuscation
- PHP8 compatibility fix
- Remove blank leftovers when decoding special unicode characters
- PW namespace
- Composer support
- Fixed skipped header tag
- Script src attribute double quotes
- Add .gitattributes and classifie module as php
- Optimized auto init to minimize FOUC
- Wrap replace text to noscript tag instead of span
- Added version number to JS autoload filename as query string
- Replaced skipped form tag with individual form elements
- Append debug info only to logged users
- Fixed issue with script insert to the head section
- Fixed deprecated array and string offset access syntax with curly braces in PHP 7.4
- Fixed page render check that was still giving false positives.
- Fixed a bug in TemplateFile Page render check
- Added conditional autoload to block admin pages
In this release:
- AJAX support
- Crypted emails stored in data attributes
- Option to include emo.js as a inline script
- Force mailto disabled by default
- Enhanced javascript autoloading
- Fixed strpos function test for non boolean false values
- Move to TemplateFile::render for template cache support
- Multilanguage nosript text
- Skip script encoding
- Convert to object literal + (new) auto init onload
- Added option to include (rather than just exclude) module at selected pages/templates
- Added new
method for manual obfuscation
- Removed span elements from output
- Prevent calling undefined addLoadEvent
- Email regex slash removal to avoid false positive url addresses
- Fixed PHP 5.5.x deprecated preg_replace() /e modifier.
- Matched mailto link markup doesn't get replaced anymore, required
emo_email class is only added to the existing element.
- Enhanced the way to avoid @2x like named images triggered as false
- Email address is required for mailto link to be matched.
- Removed mailto link subject/body url encoding.
- Removed jQuery init option.
- Fixes possible window.onload conflict with other scripts.
- Added range of special characters like umlauts to email address pattern.
- Prevent output re-obfuscation.