A simple hashing utility for Metal Gear Solid V and Metal Gear: Survive
Enter the string you wish to hash in the String text box.
Choose a hash type from the available options.
Check the Little-Endian checkbox if you want the hash to be formatted as Little-Endian.
Click the Process button.
Done! Your hash will appear in the Hash text box.
Note: Path names should begin with a forward slash, and only use forward slashes.
Note 2: Capitalization matters! Assets is not the same as assets!
Example of a correctly entered filename:
Using the example above, you would receive the following as the output when using the PathCode64 hash type:
QuickHash can be used via command line for batch operations.
The first argument should be the string you are hashing.
The second argument should be the hash type.
Hash Types:
-p64: PathCode64
-p64e: PathCode64 with Extension
-s64: StrCode64
-p32: PathCode32
-s32: StrCode32
-e: Extension Bytes
The third argument is optional. Provide a -l argument if you want the hash to be output in the Little-Endian format.
QuickHash /Assets/tpp/chara/qui/Pictures/qui0_face0_def_bsm.ftex -p64e -l >> output.txt
This will output: