A package for downloading data from Google Sheets with spreadsheet URL.
pip install google-sheets-tools - install the module
import google_sheets_tools - import the module to your project
obj = SheetsDownloader(sheet_url, extension='csv') - create a constructor
- sheet_url - url of the Google sheet
- extension - extension of the downloaded file ('xlsx', 'ods', 'pdf', 'html', 'csv', 'tsv')
obj.download_file(folder_name='sheets') - download a sheet
- folder_name - to what folder download a spreadsheet; default value='sheets'
get_downloaded_file_name() - get a name of your downloaded spreadsheet
get_extension() - get the extension constructor works with
download_csv_sheet(path='csv_files') - download the spreadsheet as a csv file
- path - path to downloaded spreadsheet, can be structural '1\2\3'; default value='csv_files'
get_csv_data(sheet_type='list') - returns a data from the csv file
- sheet_type - type of the returned data, can be ('list', 'json'); default value='list'