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Calendar Widget CircleCI



  • npm
  • npm start
  • npm run mock-server
  • npm run test-ci


  • load dist/bookingsync-calendar-widget.js script

  • add <div data-bookingsync-calendar-widget></div> tag to the place you would like to put the widget.

  • Or as global.

const calendar = new BookingSyncCalendarWidget({ el: document.querySelector('.my-widget') });
  • Or as module
import Calendar from 'bookingsync-calendar-widget';

const calendar = new Calendar({ el: document.querySelector('.my-widget') });

@see index.html for more examples.


Getting started with Development

  • npm to get the project's dependencies.
  • npm start to start development server with live-reload and hot module replacement
  • go to http://localhost:8080/index.html

Additionally you can run json-mock server

  • npm run mock-server it serve maps api for local development. Mocks are in db.json file.


  • npm start - starts development server with live-reload and hot module replacement
  • npm run build - produces production version under the dist folder
  • npm run test - runs tests.


Option Description Type Default
el HTMLElement to act as a container (only this one is MANDATORY) HTMLElement null
apiHost API host name String http://localhost:3000 for development, for production
apiNamespace API namespase String /api/v2/public
apiMapsRoute route for maps String /maps.json?rental_id={params} - {params} is replaced with rentalId
rentalURL URL route for maps Function
rentalId parameter to pass in API request for availability maps String or Number null
currency Set currency conversion String null
minStay Minimum selectable range Number 1
maxStay Maximum selectable range Number Infinity
allowShorterMinStaySelection Force minimum selection to opts.minStay Boolean false
allowShorterMaxStaySelection Force maximum selection to opts.maxStay Boolean false
monthStart Calendar starts months, the left up most, 0 - 11 range Number Current month
yearStart Calendar start year, YYYY format (2016) Number Current year
displayMonths How many months to render Number 2
selectable Allow to select range Boolean false
showRates Show rates from availability map Boolean false
showMinStay Show minimum stay per single day (be careful to use together with showRates or showMaxStay, can be too munch information) Boolean false
showMaxStay Show maximum stay per single day (be careful to use together with showRates or showMinStay, can be too munch information) Boolean false
isReverseSelectable User selects end date first Boolean false
isBackDisabled Disable back button for past months Boolean true
isDropDown Act like drop down, good idea to specify elStartAt and elEndAt Boolean false
elStartAt Input field to show start selected, open drop-down on focus HTMLElement null (will try to find .bookingsyncCalendarWidget__start-at if null)
elEndAt Input field to show end selected, open drop-down on focus HTMLElement null (will try to find .bookingsyncCalendarWidget__end-at if null)
elSingleInput Single input field to show start/end selected, open drop-down on focus HTMLElement null (will try to find .bookingsyncCalendarWidget__single-input if null)
isSingleInput Allow to use the single input, hides start/end inputs Boolean null
elReset Any element on click resets calendar selections and input values HTMLElement null
formatDate Overwrite locale defined date format String %m/%d/%y (
hiddenElFormat Duplicate start/end inputs with a different date format String null
disableAvailabityMap Overwrite each days to be available Boolean false
enableAllDays Force past days/months to be selectable Boolean false
currentDate Current date Date object Date new Date()


  • onSelectStart(ISO String, Date)
  • onSelectEnd(ISO String, Date)
  • onSelectionCompleted(ISO String, ISO String)

see index.html for more examples. All options can be passed as data- attributes to HTMLElement calendar placeholders, with dasherized way. e.g.



Calendar implements event Emitter, receiver can subscribe/unsubscribe to events and subscribe one-time.

var cal = new bookingsyncCalendarWidget({
  el: document.querySelector('.calendar-wrapper'),

cal.on('selection-end', function(a, b) {
  console.log('selection-end', a, b)
cal.on('selection-start', function(a, b) {
  console.log('selection-start', a, b)

cal.once('selection-end', function(a, b) {
    console.log('selection-end', a, b)
 });'selection-end', function(a, b) {
    console.log('selection-end', a, b)
Event Description Params
init Finished initializing, data is NOT loaded
maps-loaded Availability, rates and minimum stay maps are loaded and added to calendar {Object} raw response from the server
maps-error Error when loading maps
loading-show Loading indicator shows
loading-hide Loading indicator hides
selection-start User selected start date {String} {Date}, ISO format '2016-01-01', Date
selection-end User selected end date {String} {Date}, ISO format '2016-01-01', Date
selection-reset Selection reset {Array}, {Array}, selection start, selection end ([yyyy, m, dd])
selection-completed User selects end date when start date was already selected {Array}, {Array}, selection start, selection end ([yyyy, m, dd])
drop-open Calendar-drop open
drop-close Calendar-drop close