A Book Review website made using Node js and MongoDB on backend and with react js and Material UI for front end design.In this website , users are able to register themselves and log in with their email and password. Once they log in, the could search for books, add books, leave reviews and see the reviews marked by other people.
- Aswin C G https://github.com/AswinCG2002
- Angel Rose T J https://github.com/Angelrose19
- Sherhin https://github.com/sherhin5555
- Express
- MongoDB Node js
- Body-Parser
- Cors
- Axios
- Dotenv
- React js
- Just go on [official Node.js website] (https://nodejs.org/) and download the installer.
- Also be sure to have 'git' available in your pat.
- You can install nodejs and npm easily with apt install, just run the following commands, $ sudo apt install nodejs $ sudo apt install npm
- You can find more information about the installation on the [official Node.js website] (https://nodejs.org) and the [official NPM website] (https://npmjs.org/).
If the installation was successful, you should be able to run the following command. $ node --version v8.11.3 $ npm --version 6.1.0
- Fork the repository
- $ git clone https://github.com/<YOUR_USERNAME>/bookmarked-client
- cd bookmarked-client
- npm i