DRF project for managing planetarium and watching shows
- Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/BornToLivee/planetarium-api
If project is empty, checkout to develop branch
- Configure Environment Variables
cp .env.sample .env
Open the .env file and fill in all the required fields with the appropriate data. 3. Build and Run the Docker Containers
docker-compose up --build
- Create a Superuser
List the running Docker containers to find the container_id of the web service:
docker ps
Access the running container with:
docker exec -it <container_id> sh
Inside the container, create a superuser by running:
python manage.py createsuperuser
- Access the API http://localhost:8000/api/planetarium/
- Managing planetarium shows, domes and themes
- Admin panel for advanced managing
- Cache system for several pages
- Documentation in api/doc/swagger/
- Message in telegram bot after creating new ticket
- Authentication and JWT authorization for user
- Creating, updating, deleting actions on all endpoints with validation
1.Django Rest Framework 2.Docker 3.PostgreSQL 4.Redis 5.Swagger 6.JWT
Bohdan Zinchenko - https://github.com/BornToLivee