Developed by Breeding Insight with funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS) through Cornell University.
Public Sandbox | User Manual | Screenshots | Running DeltaBreed | Contact Us
The easiest way to try DeltaBreed is to use our public sandbox. The User Manual, which describes how to use DeltaBreed's features, may be viewed here.
Please note:
- All submitted data are public; do not submit private data on the public sandbox.
- The public sandbox database is routinely reset and submitted data may be removed without notice.
DeltaBreed consists of several components. Our Java backend is Breeding-Insight/bi-api, our Vue frontend is Breeding-Insight/bi-web, and the easiest way to run the app is with our docker compose configurations, Breeding-Insight/bi-docker-stack. Additional repositories that DeltaBreed depends on include our Java BrAPI client, Breeding-Insight/brapi, our fork of the BrAPI Java Server, Breeding-Insight/brapi-Java-TestServer, and our browser-based test automation framework, Breeding-Insight/taf.
View the User Manual for more screenshots and detailed descriptions of DeltaBreed's features.