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Brent Seidel edited this page Mar 2, 2017 · 2 revisions

#I2C The I2C bus is present on both the BeagleBone Black and the Raspberry Pi. It has not yet been converted to my new design. I will update this when it is converted. The I2C interface on Linux is mostly implemented using ioctl calls which makes the Ada code a bit more interesting. There is also a little bit of C code used to get the text for a given error number. This may be useful as an example of calling C code from Ada.

The following devices are supported on the I2C bus. Note that not all of a devices functions may be supported. Feel free to modify your copy.

  • BME280 - Temperature, pressure, and humdidity sensor
  • BMP180 - Temperature and pressure sensor
  • L3GD20H - Gyroscope
  • LMS303DLHC - Accelerometer and magnetometer
  • MCP23008 - 8 Bit I/O expander, based on the AdaFruit board that only supports 7 bits.
  • PCA9685 - 16 Channel, PWM controller with 12 bit resolution
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