This bundle provides a set of commands to run a distributed web page crawler. Crawled web pages are saved to Solr.
Install it with Composer:
composer require simgroep/concurrent-spider-bundle dev-master
Then add it to your AppKernel.php
new Simgroep\ConcurrentSpiderBundle\SimgroepConcurrentSpiderBundle(),
Minimal configuration is necessary. The crawler needs to know the mapping you're using in Solr so it can save documents. The only mandatory part of the config is "mapping". Other values are optional:
http_user_agent: "PHP Concurrent Spider" localhost
rabbitmq.port: 5672
rabbitmq.user: guest
rabbitmq.password: guest
queue.discoveredurls_queue: discovered_urls
queue.indexer_queue: indexer localhost
solr.port: 8080
solr.path: /solr
id: #required
title: #required
content: #required
url: #required
tstamp: ~
date: ~
publishedDate: ~
You start the crawler with:
app/console simgroep:start-crawler
This will add one job to the queue to crawl the url Then run the following process in background to start crawling:
app/console simgroep:crawl
It's recommended to use a tool to maintain the crawler process in background. We recommend Supervisord. You can run as many as threads as you like (and your machine can handle), but you should be careful to not flood the website. Every thread acts as a visitor on the website you're crawling.
This bundle uses RabbitMQ to keep track of a queue that has URLs that should be indexed. Also it uses Solr to save the crawled web pages.