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Inschrijvingssysteem voor Sint Gerardus

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Inschrijvingssysteem voor Sint Gerardus



  • Beheren van verschillende types gebruikers:
    • Administrators
    • Zorggebruikers
    • Voogden


  • Beheren van evenementen
    • Voogen/ouders van zorggebruikers kunnen hun kind inschrijven voor evenementen
    • Verschillende leeftijdsgroepen toekennen aan evenementen
    • Evenementen kunnen over één of meerdere dagen plaatsvinden

Setup (English only)


  1. Architecture

The application is written in C#, using .NET 6 and Angular 11. It's is generated using a template provided by .NET Core. This template allows running the entire application (both the API and the webapp) in one executable. The data is stored in a SQL Server instance. Accessing the data is done via Entity Framework Core, using Automapper.

  1. Angular template in Visual Studio

The magic is done in the SpaExtensions.cs file:

services.AddSpaStaticFiles(configuration =>
   configuration.RootPath = "ClientApp/dist";

and in Program.cs

app.UseSpa(spa =>
   // To learn more about options for serving an Angular SPA from ASP.NET Core,
   // see
   spa.Options.SourcePath = "ClientApp";
   if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())

The spa.UseProxyToSpaDevelopmentServer line forwards requests to the angular's dev server, running on localhost:4200. Note that this dev server must be started separately by running npm start in the ./Singer.API/ClientApp directory

Get the application running locally

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run docker-compose up in the root of the cloned folder
  3. Run the application by hitting F5 in Visual Studio
  4. Enjoy the magic

Application can be accessed on https://localhost:5001.
Email web UI can be accessed on http://localhost:3000.


The application requires a MSSQL database. You can run it on your existing databaseserver or use the provided docker-compose.yml file to run a linux based MSSQL Server (it's using Note that it also includes a mapped volume from the container's /var/opt/mssql/data to a ./.dev/ folder in the root of the project.

Also, a local SMTP server with a web ui (smtp4dev) is provided for testing the email functionality of the app.

Hosting and CI

For development and demo purposes, we host our application in Azure. Using Azure DevOps we can quickly deploy the application to Azure, while it allows us to have fine-grained control over what is being deployed to Sint Gerardus.


Note that this project has been upgraded to use Duende Software's IdentityServer. The choice to use IdentityServer was made back in the day where this was still a free-to-use, open source software package, but in the meantime the creators decided to put an end to the free-to-use part (see full details in this blogpost). This means that effectively today you must adhere to Duende Software's licensing model, for which the details can be found on the link above, in a nutshell you have the following options:

  • Free for development, testing and personal projects
  • You can contact Duende Software to obtain a community edition license, which is feasible for organisations which adhere to some financial thresholds
  • You can purchase a commercial license, the 'Starter edition' license is sufficient for this application, since it grants use for up to 5 client applications, and currently this project only has 1 client application (the Web application).