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Kevin E edited this page May 4, 2018 · 1 revision

What is fri3dbot

Fri3dbot is a project to be displayed at fri3dcamp 2018. It's a ~3 meter high robot made of pvc piping with a screen in the head to display the robot's face.

This face is animated using Unity, and this repository contains these animations.

To create some diversity, the robot has multiple faces, with each having different 'emotions', basicly the different animations.

Each face is given a random display time, and each 'emotion' within the face is cycled with variable play lengths. When changing to another face, a 'transition' scene is played.

The faces are (at the moment):


LedFace is a 3x 8x8 'pixel matrix' display, one for each eye and a mouth.

To animate this face it cycles rapidly trough different scenes. happy ledface Winking ledface


Obviously based on bender the robot from Futurama, this well-known robot face gives the project a recognizable character for the viewers.

The animations are done with unity animation and looks fluent (minor mistakes as usual of course ;)). happy bend-r glitching out bend-r


Eeve is (very loosely) based on the robot from wall-e, with her big tv static eyes and colorful band around the eyes she makes some pretty animations.

happy eeve sleeping eeve


Gearhead is a happy-go-lucky and ever smiling set of gears. it's continuously in motion except in one scene where it gets stuck.

happy gearhead gearhead looking at fri3d logo


It's an attempt to design a classic mechanical robot face with 2 tape decks for eyes and a LED bar for a mouth.

roboface roboface scanning fri3d logo's


Foxkeh is based on the design of the fri3d badge and tries to give it a face. Named after the mascot of Mozilla Firefox used in Japan to introduce the browser to the public. Wikipedia Article

foxkeh mischievous foxkeh

More faces may follow, but due to the high workload of animating the faces it might prove too time consuming to create any more.