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William Lupton edited this page Oct 11, 2017 · 3 revisions

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ReportGUI is a graphical front-end for the BBF Report Tool to generate reports from CWMP XML data files, running under Windows (XP, Vista, 7). See screen shot below:

Start screen


The tool comes as an Windows installer ReportGuiSetup.exe, which also includes the BBF Report Tool as an Windows executable. For installation execute the installer and follow the instructions.

The installer file ReportGuiSetup.exe can be downloaded from GitHub.

Please check the README.txt file for history and latest changes.


To use the front-end select the XML file to be processed with the "Select" button or with the "File"->"Open" menu option.

In the Standard Report mode, then select one of the offered predefined reports to be generated. With the "Generate Report" button the report generation is started. The report.exe output from the generation is displayed in the log window, the generated report itself is stored in the same directory like the XML file with the name <xml></xml>.<report></report>.

If the setting "Settings"->"Open generated file" is activated (default) the generated report file is opened immediately within the default application.

If the "Publish" option is selected, all reports needed to publish the selected XML are generated. For details see the description of the publish option below.

The Expert Report Mode allows to use all the different settings defined in "report.exe" tool. All selected settings are stored in the ReportGui.ini file and are available again for the next session. Profiles can be created to save a specific set of settings for later use.

Tool tips provide help for all selectable options, input fields and buttons, hover the mouse over any field to display them.


To determine if there are upgrades available use the internal function "Help" -> "Check for updates".

  1. If a new version of the report.exe file is found the tool offers the option to download the new version and replace the existing version. A backup of the old version is created and can be reactivated with the option "Help" -> "Restore report.exe from backup"
  2. If a new version of the ReportGui is found, the tool offers the option to go to the webpage for download. To install the new version of the ReportGUI download the installer and simply run the Windows installer ReportGuiSetup.exe again.


To upgrade the report.exe tool alone there are two other possibilities:

  1. Install it with the Installer, which will replace the existing file
  2. Manually copy a new version to a different location on your PC and select it from the ReportGUI with the 'Settings' -> 'Set Report tool' options. This can also be used to toggle between different versions of the report.exe tool.

Function details

XML handling

For a successful report generation normally the released XML files from the Broadband Forum webpage are needed. The ReportGUI now offers the option to download all released files from the BBF homepage into the default include directory, which is automatically created in the user's application data directory. To start the download use the "Extras" -> "Download BBF published files" menu option.

The location of the default include directory can be changed with the "Settings" -> "Set default include directory".

Note: Changing the default include directory only changes the path, it does not copy the contents.

Additional include directories can be specified over the "Settings" -> "Set additional include dirs". This is helpful during the specification of new or changed XML files, which depend on non-published XML files. The path(es) to these additional files can be specified as additional include directories, and are added to the generation command in the sequence specified.


The publish option is intended to generate all reports which are necessary for publishing the selected XML files (e.g as part of document contribution or use on the BBF webpage)

The reports generated depend on the version number:

If the minor version is zero and the XML defines a single Root or Service Object:

 * ''tr-nnn-i-a-c.html''          : the standard HTML report
 * ''tr-nnn-i-a-c-all.xml''       : the flattened xml file

If the minor version is greater than zero and the XML defines a single Root or Service Object

 * ''tr-nnn-i-a-c.html''          : the standard HTML report
 * ''tr-nnn-i-a-c-last.html''     : the "last" report with only the changes from the defined file
 * ''tr-nnn-i-a-c-all.xml''       : the flattened xml file

If the xml defines a Device and a IGD model and the minor version is zero:

 * ''tr-nnn-i-a-c-dev.html''      : the device html report 
 * ''tr-nnn-i-a-c-igd.html''      : the IGD html report 
 * ''tr-nnn-i-a-c-all.xml''       : the flattened xml file

If the minor version is greater than zero and the XML defines multiple Root Objects:

 * ''tr-nnn-i-a-c-dev.html''      : the device html report 
 * ''tr-nnn-i-a-c-dev-last.html'' : the device last report 
 * ''tr-nnn-i-a-c-igd.html''      : the IGD html report 
 * ''tr-nnn-i-a-c-igd-last.html'' : the IGD last report 
 * ''tr-nnn-i-a-c-all.xml''       : the flattened xml file

To determine if the XML defines a Device or an IGD data model the XML file is checked if it contains the strings '<model name="Device' and '&amp;lt;model name=&amp;quot;InternetGatewayDevice'.&amp;amp;#10;&amp;amp;#10;&amp;amp;#10;===Publish all files===&amp;amp;#10;&amp;amp;#10;The option Extras &amp;#45;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/model&amp;gt; Publish"></model>directory allows to generate the defined publishing reports for a whole directory. This simplifies the recreation of all reports after updates, or allows to generate all reports for the published XML files after download.

After starting this option will inform in status field about the progress, in addition a log-file is created and displayed after ending with all the details.


Profiles can be created in the expert mode by entering a name in the edit field and pressing the 'Save' button. A Profile will store all settings made in the current GUI window without the selected file name and the include settings.

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