You gain points by watching the stream. You can use the points to trigger special effects on Rove's stream.
- To check your points use !points
Command | Cost (points) | Effect |
!dontbullshitme | 10 | Arnold says "come on don't bullshit me" |
!doorbell | 10 | Sound of a doorbell |
!helmetnice | 10 | Arokh says nice! |
!loot | 10 | Let Rovefogle know he forgot some loot (afterwards type in chat what it was) |
!nice | 10 | "Click Noice" |
!ohmy | 10 | George Takei saying "oh my" |
!schlimsicle | 10 | This is how you pronounce "Schlimsicle" btw |
!banned | 15 | You were banned from this server |
!cashme | 15 | Cash me ousside, how bouh dah? |
!damnson | 15 | Damn son, where'd you find this? |
!deeptrouble | 15 | Arnold says "One of us is in.. deep trouble" |
!dies | 15 | Lucian knows that everybody dies, some just need a little help |
!finish | 15 | Mortal Kombat "FINISH HIM" |
!fluffy | 15 | He's so fluffy i'm gonna die, FLUFFY! |
!gotcha | 15 | Dave chapelle says "gotcha bitch!" |
!headshot2 | 15 | HEADSHOT |
!heart | 15 | The Russians know that the heart is the strongest muscle |
!icant | 15 | Mr. Meeseeks saying "I can't take it anymore i just wanna die!" |
!iloveyou | 15 | To let Rovefogle know you love him |
!mywatch | 15 | NOT ON MY WATCH! |
!regret | 15 | They will regret opposing Rovefogle |
!rooster | 15 | Sound of a rooster crowing |
!stop | 15 | Spice girls telling Rove to "stop right now, thank you very much" |
!triple | 15 | Oh baby a triple, oh yeah! |
!vitas | 15 | proper cringey sounds |
!win | 15 | Rovefogle my son, go on and win this one for me ok? |
!wreckingball | 15 | I came in like a wreckingball! |
!bestfriends | 20 | What, did we just become best friends? YEP! |
!blame | 20 | You're blaming me for something you did to yourself! |
!camper | 20 | "Murdered? who in the world would want to kill a camper?" |
!candy | 20 | "oeh piece of candy" |
!cantbelieve | 20 | I can't believe you've done this |
!chatcheering | 20 | the sound everyone in twitch chat makes when they cheer for Rove. |
!dead | 20 | Dude, bad news, you're dead. |
!fly | 20 | "I believe i can fly" by R. Kelly |
!fuckoff | 20 | If you don't like people & cities then... |
!hello | 20 | Say hello to the camera. Hello motherf... |
!hot | 20 | Argh, hot hot hot, hot hot hot! |
!ifeelgood | 20 | Woah, I feel good nananana! |
!incestfreak | 20 | "what fucking bullshit, fuck you, you fucking incest freak!" -WhosHarley. |
!justdoit | 20 | Shia labeouf says JUST DO IT! |
!keepthechange | 20 | Keep the change you filthy animal |
!ktfo | 20 | "You got ktfo, bitch" |
!mariofail | 20 | Sound of mario dying |
!men | 20 | Wow, this really separates the men from the boys. |
!notadoctor | 20 | Will Ferrell says "You're not a doctor, you're a big...." |
!noone | 20 | No one has ever done that. |
!ontheroad | 20 | On the road again song by Willie Nelson. |
!potter | 20 | Harry potter opening theme. |
!questions | 20 | Arnold says "i want to ask you some questions" |
!radical | 20 | Joe Rogan explaining how radical we are. |
!redbull | 20 | What the hell is redbull? It's an energy drink! |
!rekt | 20 | Rick says "riggety riggety rekt son!" |
!sadtrombone | 20 | Sad trombone plays a failing sound |
!sixhourslater | 20 | Voice says "six and a half hours later" |
!slowclap | 20 | A group up people slow clapping, they are unimpressed |
!sofunny | 20 | "haha that's so funny the last time i heard that i......." |
!speech | 20 | Cartman asks "Is he seriously giving a speech right now?" |
!stevecarell | 20 | Steve Carell makes random noises. (Bruce Almighty) |
!uglymf | 20 | Arnold lets Rove know he's one ugly MF |
!whatswrong | 20 | Hey, what's wrong with you? |
!whocares | 20 | Peter says "OMG who cares?" |
!why | 20 | Patrick asks "WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO ME? |
!applause | 25 | Audience applauses |
!bombastic | 25 | Song Mr. Bombastic plays |
!brick | 25 | He would throw a brick through the window & arrested. |
!chargetrumpet | 25 | Trumpet plays charging tune |
!cry | 25 (sub-only) | Sound of a baby crying |
!dangerous | 25 | Papafogle warns Rovefogle to get out of there! |
!deaddream | 25 | Donald says "The American dream.. is dead". |
!fantastic | 25 | Nanananana fantastic baby! |
!hallelujah | 25 | Hallelujah song plays |
!hefuckedup | 25 | It was at this moment he knew, he fucked up |
!hellodarkness | 25 | Simon & garfunkel play hello darkness |
!impact | 25 | Kanye explaining how impactful Rovefogle is |
!johncena | 25 | Plays John Cena entrance song |
!kickass | 25 | Papafogle announces that Rovefogle is about to kick some ass |
!letitgo | 25 | Let it go Rovefogle, let it go. |
!mlg | 25 | MLG horn if you want some attention |
!notyourbusiness | 25 | "I hardly think that's any of your business" |
!patrick | 25 | NO THIS IS PATRICK! |
!rockyou | 25 | WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOU. |
!sexysax | 25 | Sexy saxophone song plays |
!smooth | 25 | Michael Jackson tells us that someone has been hit by a smooth criminal. |
!suckadick | 25 | Song about sucking dick |
!suspense | 25 | TUN DUN DUUUUUUN |
!thebest | 25 | I wanna be the very best, like noone ever was. |
!tonofloot | 25 | You let Rovefogle know there will be a ton of loot |
!trollsong | 25 | Plays a happy troll song |
!vegan | 25 | What are the odds Joe? |
!violin | 25 | Sad violin plays |
!jaws | 30 | Jaws soundtrack plays |
!rickroll | 30 | Rickroll Rovefogle and chat with "never gonna give you up" by Rick Astley |
!shame | 30 | Game of Thrones Shame bell + voice |
!dust | 35 | Another one bites the dust. |
!pirate | 35 | You are a pirate song plays |
!what | 35 | WHAT ARE YOU DOING? |
!chickensong | 40 | weird chickensong plays. |
!חדש | 40 | Shira Choir |
!sherlock | 40 | Sherlock Theme plays |
!tarkan | 40 | Seni gidi findik Kiran, kiss kiss! |
!shootingstar | 45 | Shooting star meme intro |
!ameno1 | 50 | ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つAMENO༼ つ ◕_◕ (short piece of the beginning) |
!imapotato | 50 | Song about how potato I am |
!appropriation (sub-only) | 100 | Rant about how stupid cultural appropriation is |
!sadsong | 120 | Sad and epic song plays for when something dramatic happened |
!troll (sub-only) | 120 | Original troll song, STOP TROLLING ME! |
!ameno2 | 140 | ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つAMENO༼ つ ◕_◕ (longer piece of the middle bit) |
Command | Cost (points) | Effect |
!aughits | 25 | The sound of a suppressed AUG hitting Rovefogle |
!augshots | 25 | The sound of a suppressed AUG nearly hitting Rovefogle |
!augspray | 25 | The sound of an AUG spraying next to Rovefogle |
!augspraysilent | 25 | The sound of a suppressed AUG spraying next to Rovefogle |
!awmhit | 25 | The sound of an AWM hitting Rovefogle |
!awmshot | 25 | The sound of an AWM nearly hitting Rovefogle |
!beastcarleft | 25 | The sound of a Mirado approaching from the left side |
!beastcarright | 25 | The sound of a Mirado approading from the right side |
!buggy | 25 | Realistic sound of a buggy appoaching a building |
!flashbang | 25 | The sound of a flashbang landing at Rovefogle's feet |
!grenaderight | 25 | Realistic grenade landing at Rove's feet coming in from the right |
!hippiebus | 25 | The sound of an approaching hippiebus |
!knock | 25 | Crazy realistic knocking sound to scare Rove |
!s12k | 25 | The sound of s12k shots rapidly fired at Rovefogle |
!sawed | 25 | The sound of a sawed off shotgun fired at Rovefogle |
!pumpshot1 | 25 | Rovefogle getting hit by a pump shotgun |
!pumpshot2 | 25 | Rovefogle getting hit with more pump shotgun shells |
!reload | 25 | Realistic sound is heard by Rove of a guy reloading nearby |
!silencedshots | 25 | Realistic shots wizzing by Rove's head |
!slrshot | 25 | Realistic shot of a silenced SLR gun wizzing by Rove's head |
!stairsteps | 25 | Someone walking above Rovefogle on stairs and JUMPS! |
!stepsdown | 25 | Realistic steps heard by Rove downstairs in a building |
!stepsup | 25 | Realistic steps heard by Rove upstairs in a building |
!treeshots | 25 | Realistic sounds of someone shooting and hitting a tree nearby |
!uazleft | 25 | UAZ approaching from the left side |
!vault | 25 | Someone vaults out a window nearby |
Command | Cost (points) | Effect |
!cya | 15 | Let Rovefogle know through Jean claude van Damme that you are heading out. Bye! |
!fun | 20 | The fun has been doubled! |
!dayum | 30 | Rove comes in and says DAYUM |
!whatarmy | 30 | Jean claude van Damme asks "you, and what army?" |
!killme | 35 | kill me? you can try |
!rule1 | 35 (sub-only) | Rove comes in and explains rule number one |
!rule2 | 35 | Rove comes in and explains rule number two |
!seinfeld | 35 | Credits to seinfeld starts playing |
!starwars | 35 | Credits to starwars start playing with a twist |
!yolo | 35 | Yolooooooooooooo |
!beauty | 40 | Rovefogle is beautiful, no matter what they say. |
!weed | 40 | Snoop dogg dances to "smoke weed every day" |
!arokh | 50 | Arokh in the house!!! |
!chicken | 50 | Rovefogle comes out and suggests we should get some chicken. |
!cuffs | 50 | Rovefogle can break these cuffs |
!disappointed | 50 | Mamafogle is very disappointed with Rove |
!gabriella | 50 (sub-only) | Gabriella is here, let's party! |
!headshot | 50 | Rove comes in and says HEADSHOOOT |
!jimb0 | 50 | it's pronounced.... |
!ninja | 50 | If light travels so fast... |
!nochicken | 50 | Mysterious lady comes in and is disappointed with yet again no chicken |
!onlygame | 50 | Rovefogle asks why Rovefogle has to be mad, it's only a game! |
!tellme | 50 | Grease - Tell me more, tell me more, does he look like a....? |
!vitas2 | 50 | omg it's vitas singing chandrum bedrum (or something) |
!yousuck | 50 | Rove comes in and tells Rovefogle he sucks |
!theugly | 100 | Rove plays the ugly from the movie "the good the bad and the ugly" |
!rovemania | 100 (sub-only) | Rove rips up his shirt and out comes the chickendinner surprise! |
!villain | 100 | Something special.. |
!blood | 250 | Rovefogle smells blood (now active with a more viewer friendly twist) |
!dance | 300 (sub-only) | Rove's dance and playback party |
!ahhhhh | 400 (sub-only) | Some screaming Cowboii |
!chickensong2 | 500 (sub-only) | Chicken dinner celebration |
!girls | 1500 (sub-only) | "Rovy Lauple" performing her "girls just wanna have fun song" |
!kiss | 2500 (sub-only) | Rovefogle falls asleep and has a nice dream |
!new | (MOD-ONLY) | Channel introducing video for new users |