Not much in here
- Physics 115A and B
- The Last Question
- "[C]hocolate chip cookies [...] have eight times the energy as the same weight of TNT."
- "Terrorists typically surround the explosive with a pipe, or pieces of metal (e.g. nails). When the metal fragments fly out at high speed, they are what do the most harm."
- "That means that Kong was falling at [...] 180mph when he hit the ground. No wonder he was killed."
- The CIA's Spy Kids
- "5 Fun, Interactive & Random Javascript Bookmarklets"
- Freerice
- The meaning of "carpet and bayonet"
- NCBI Taxonomy Browser
- "The Coke machine was hooked up to a computer by [...]"
- 418
- The Wampus
- US Debt Clock
- Theodore Grey's Periodic Table
- Common Latin Phrases
- Project Gutenberg Australia
- The Works of Plato
- Quota Internals (chrome://quota-internals/)
- Alphabets
- ABC Music Notation
- Wat
- Lüst Theisen
- TI-BASIC Graphscreen
- Rolling Curves
- Grimm's Fairy Tales
- John Mark Ockerbloom's old CMU Home Page
- The Online Books Page