This repository is focused on the testing and fuzzing of the secp256r1
implementation found in SIMD-0048
The aim is to ensure the robustness and security of secp256r1
by providing comprehensive tests from the wycheproof project as well as some
fuzzing strategies. Additionally all test vectors are run against a SubleCrypto implementation
as well as an OpenSSL implementation to ensure parity between the three.
: Contains the source code for generating, fetching and validating vectors using SubtleCrypto (an API standardized by W3C)test_vectors
: Files containing test vectors to be validated againstsecp256r1_verify/src
: SIMD-0048 implementation of thesecp256r1
precompile as well as the OpenSSL verification implementation.Reports
: Contains the latest reports of each implementation against the test vectors found intest_vectors
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- (Optional) Run the following command to re-fetch and generate new vectors:
npm run generate_vectors
- Generate reports for SubtleCrypto, OpenSSL and p256:
npm run generate_reports
- Run benchmark against vectors:
npm run benchmark
The vectors provided by Project Wycheproof consist of a pubkey with
and wy
representing the coordinates,
a DER encoded signature and message
, the corresponding message.
"testGroups" : [
"key" : {
"curve" : "secp256r1",
"keySize" : 256,
"type" : "EcPublicKey",
"uncompressed" : "042927b10512bae3eddcfe467828128bad2903269919f7086069c8c4df6c732838c7787964eaac00e5921fb1498a60f4606766b3d9685001558d1a974e7341513e",
"wx" : "2927b10512bae3eddcfe467828128bad2903269919f7086069c8c4df6c732838",
"wy" : "00c7787964eaac00e5921fb1498a60f4606766b3d9685001558d1a974e7341513e"
"keyDer" : "3059301306072a8648ce3d020106082a8648ce3d030107034200042927b10512bae3eddcfe467828128bad2903269919f7086069c8c4df6c732838c7787964eaac00e5921fb1498a60
"keyPem" : "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEKSexBRK64+3c/kZ4KBKLrSkDJpkZ\n9whgac
jE32xzKDjHeHlk6qwA5ZIfsUmKYPRgZ2az2WhQAVWNGpdOc0FRPg==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
"sha" : "SHA-256",
"type" : "EcdsaVerify",
"tests" :
"tcId" : 1,
"comment" : "signature malleability",
"msg" : "313233343030",
"sig" : "304402202ba3a8be6b94d5ec80a6d9d1190a436effe50d85a1eee859b8cc6af9bd5c2e1802204cd60b855d442f5b3c7b11eb6c4e0ae7525fe710fab9aa7c77a67f79e6fadd76",
"result" : "valid",
"flags" : []
Some of the signatures are purposely disfigured
to test the ASN.1 decoding process of certain crypto implementations.
In the case of SIMD-48, the precompile only accepts a compressed pubkey and
a serialized signature consisting of the concatenated r
and s
This means that no signature decoding happens inside the precompile.
As those vector's signatures are disfigured, it's not possible to correctly
extract r
and s
from them. Therefore these vectors are ignored.
Note: There is however a legacy vector that gets successfully parsed by the
ASN.1 decoding found in src/generate_wycheproof.ts
. The vector's
signature is missing a 0 in it's s
component. The behavior of the vector is
described by Project Wycheproof:
"MissingZero" : {
"bugType" : "LEGACY",
"description" : "Some implementations of ECDSA and DSA incorrectly
encode r and s by not including leading zeros in the ASN encoding of
integers when necessary. Hence, some implementations (e.g. jdk) allow
signatures with incorrect ASN encodings assuming that the signature
is otherwise valid.",
"effect" : "While signatures are more malleable if such signatures are
accepted, this typically leads to no vulnerability, since a badly
encoded signature can be reencoded correctly."
The following vector registers as valid
in all 3 implementations. This is a result
of the ASN.1 client-side decoding adding the missing 0 during parsing and therefore
making the vector valid.
"tcId": 6,
"comment": "Legacy: ASN encoding of s misses leading 0",
"flags": ["MissingZero"],
"msg": "313233343030",
"sig": "304402202ba3a8be6b94d5ec80a6d9d1190a436effe50d85a1eee859b8cc6af9bd5c2e180220b329f479a2bbd0a5c384ee1493b1f5186a87139cac5df4087c134b49156847db",
"result": "invalid"
The reports are generated by the validation scripts that run the test vectors agains the different implementations
"total_vectors": 13202,
"incorrect_count": 1,
"incorrect_vectors": [
"der": "304402202ba3a8be6b94d5ec80a6d9d1190a436effe50d85a1eee859b8cc6af9bd5c2e180220b329f479a2bbd0a5c384ee1493b1f5186a87139cac5df4087c134b49156847db",
"x": "2927b10512bae3eddcfe467828128bad2903269919f7086069c8c4df6c732838",
"y": "c7787964eaac00e5921fb1498a60f4606766b3d9685001558d1a974e7341513e",
"r": "2ba3a8be6b94d5ec80a6d9d1190a436effe50d85a1eee859b8cc6af9bd5c2e18",
"s": "b329f479a2bbd0a5c384ee1493b1f5186a87139cac5df4087c134b49156847db",
"hash": "bb5a52f42f9c9261ed4361f59422a1e30036e7c32b270c8807a419feca605023",
"valid": false,
"msg": "313233343030",
"comment": "wycheproof_v1/ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256_test.json EcdsaVerify SHA-256
#6: Legacy: ASN encoding of s misses leading 0"
"totalVectors": 13202,
"mismatchedCount": 1,
"mismatchedVectors": [
"der": "304402202ba3a8be6b94d5ec80a6d9d1190a436effe50d85a1eee859b8cc6af9bd5c2e180220b329f479a2bbd0a5c384ee1493b1f5186a87139cac5df4087c134b49156847db",
"x": "2927b10512bae3eddcfe467828128bad2903269919f7086069c8c4df6c732838",
"y": "c7787964eaac00e5921fb1498a60f4606766b3d9685001558d1a974e7341513e",
"r": "2ba3a8be6b94d5ec80a6d9d1190a436effe50d85a1eee859b8cc6af9bd5c2e18",
"s": "b329f479a2bbd0a5c384ee1493b1f5186a87139cac5df4087c134b49156847db",
"msg": "313233343030",
"valid": false,
"comment": "wycheproof_v1/ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256_test.json EcdsaVerify SHA-256
#6: Legacy: ASN encoding of s misses leading 0"
"total_vectors": 13202,
"incorrect_count": 1,
"incorrect_vectors": [
"der": "304402202ba3a8be6b94d5ec80a6d9d1190a436effe50d85a1eee859b8cc6af9bd5c2e180220b329f479a2bbd0a5c384ee1493b1f5186a87139cac5df4087c134b49156847db",
"x": "2927b10512bae3eddcfe467828128bad2903269919f7086069c8c4df6c732838",
"y": "c7787964eaac00e5921fb1498a60f4606766b3d9685001558d1a974e7341513e",
"r": "2ba3a8be6b94d5ec80a6d9d1190a436effe50d85a1eee859b8cc6af9bd5c2e18",
"s": "b329f479a2bbd0a5c384ee1493b1f5186a87139cac5df4087c134b49156847db",
"hash": "bb5a52f42f9c9261ed4361f59422a1e30036e7c32b270c8807a419feca605023",
"valid": false,
"msg": "313233343030",
"comment": "wycheproof_v1/ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256_test.json EcdsaVerify SHA-256
#6: Legacy: ASN encoding of s misses leading 0"
As shown above, all 3 implementation have parity across 13202 test vectors and exhibit the mismatch mentioned in Wycheproof Vectors.
Note: Of the 13202 vectors, 1202 come from Project Wycheproof.
The following benchmark was run on a 16GB M1 Pro Macbook Pro.