Package: com.govtech.govtrial Version: 0.1.0 Java Version: Java SE 11
- Developed using Java Spring Boot with JPA (Hibernate)
- Utilising in-memory H2 database
- Application layer follows an MVC with a repository design pattern for managing the data and business logic
- Web service follows a REST architecture with HATEOAS implementation
- Database seeded using Java Faker (
- Configure server.port in "src/main/resources/". Default port is 8080. We will use port 8080 in the following examples.
- On start, a employee data CSV will be automatically generated before being parsed and stored into the database.
- Either build using STS or with the following command from project root:
. scripts/
- Run the jar with the following command from project root:
. scripts/
- Stop the jar with the following command from project root:
. scripts/
1. https://localhost:8080/employees
- Returns the set of all employees with pagination and size limit
2. http://localhost:8080/employees?page=1&size=10
- Returns the next page of ten employees
3. http://localhost:8080/employees?minimumSalary=0&maximumSalary=4000
- Returns the employees with salaries between $0 and $4000 inclusive
4. http://localhost:8080/employees?minimumSalary=0&maximumSalary=4000&page=1&size=1
- Returns the second employee with salaries between $0 and $4000 inclusive
Due to a lack of time, the following critical components have not been completed
- Testing Implementation
- Linting/Refactoring of code
- Integration with CI/CD tools
- CORS implementation
- OWASP checklist/guidelines
- Authentication (OAuth and/or JWT)
For further reference, please consider the following sections: