Orbit is a task management site for carers, it has been designed to make it simple for carers to add tasks that need to be done for their caree.
This app works directly with the Orbit Backend API, which can be found here. Follow their set up instructions before you get started installing Orbit.
Users - can
to access or create theirUser
profile. -
User Profile - renders information about the user including the
tasks for their caree. The user will also have control of thecaree
page. -
Caree Profile - renders information about the caree. The
can add a need for the caree and also assign a need to themselves.
Follow these steps to get started with the Orbit app:
- To access this application, you can clone this repository using the terminal on your system using:
$ git clone https://github.com/e-b-m/CapStone-FrontEnd
- Within the newly cloned repository, install the default Node modules using:
$ npm i
- To get the web app running, use:
$ npm start
Orbit should now be open in your default browser on http://localhost:3000.
Here is the initial wireframe that formed the basis for our website design:
- Adding a calendar component that a user can add important dates/events to.
- Allowing a user to assign tasks to another user.
- Having a
Bubble Page
that connects all users within the bubble.