This is a small application for the ESP8266 running NodeMCU to control a WS2812 LED strip via MQTT or via URL-call
##Installation Your ESP8266-module needs to run the Nodemcu-Firmware. These skripts are working with Release Compile NodeMCU with the following modules:
- WS2812
- EnduserSetup
Instead of compiling yourself you can search for a online-build-service, that is available for NodeMCU
Flash the following files on your ESP8266, that runs the NodeMCU-firmware:
- init.lua
- webserver.lua
- wifi_config.lua
- wlancfg.lua
Use ESPLORER or nodemcu-uploader:
nodemcu-uploader --port/dev/tty.... upload init.lua webserver.lua wifi_config.lua wlancfg.lua
Make sure, the ESP8266 runs a NodeMCU-firmware, that was compiled with the WS2812 module, the mqtt module ,the enduser-setup-module and the MDNS module as well This app was tested with nodemcu-release
Connect your WS2812 LED strip data-pin with GPIO2 and with +5V and GND
##Usage with MQTT /room1/ledstrip_blue when first booting, the Nodemcu will compile the LUA files to LC files for better performance.
Then it tries to connect to the WiFi-Network with the credentials found in wlancfg.lua. If it has no success, then it will open a wifi-network "Gadget-XXX" In this Wifi-network you can access a capture webpage asking for WiFI-SSID and password and store this information in wlancfg.lua
If it can connect to the wifi, it will disply its IP-address on UART. With a webbrowser you can access a webpage asking for SSID, password, MQTT Server name and MQTT-Basetopic
On your mqtt-server have these topics ready:
mqttbasetopic .."_on" = ON || OFF (Switch LED strip on or off)
mqttbasetopic .."_red" = 0-255 (red brightness)
mqttbasetopic .."_green" = 0-255 (green brightness)
mqttbasetopic .."_blue" = 0-255 (blue brightness)
so, if you chosse "/room1/ledstrip" as mqttbasetopic, then you need the following topis on your mqtt broker: /room1/ledstrip_on
##Usage with URL-functions
You can use the following convenient URL-functions:
Control LED-Strip on GPIO2
http://ip/ledvalue?1=0,255,0&2=255,0,0&3=0,255,255 .... and so on.... Switch individual leds by submitting the led-index and values in the URL.
Did not try out yet, how many LEDs can be switchd in one request....
http://ip/ledrange?10=100,0,0&20=0,100,0&30=0,0,100&40=100,100,0 ... and so on... switch ranges of LEDs : 1-10 in one color, LEDs 11-20 in another color and LEDs 21-30 in the third color ....
In the URL you can add "&blink={time in seconds}" to have the LEDs blinking...
Also you can add "&duration{time in seconds}" to have the LEDs blinking only for a specific duration of time
Control Relais or other on GPIO5 http://ip/switch=on
The controller will advertise itself as "ambilight.local" via MDNS
You can connect a pushbotton between GPIO0 and GND. On Button press you can alternate the LED-strip between off and on (all white)
##NodeMCU CLI access
for troubleshooting you can also access the NodeMCU cli via network using netcat:
nc WS2812Ambi_IP 80
(press "." and Enter)
##Remote Upgrade You can use the script " " to update the LUA-Files remotely
##Special Hints
Multicast-DNS-Name and MQTT-Client name have to be set directly in the LUA-Files in the code. Remember: Do not have two MQTT-clients with same client-name on broker