This project is not complete yet, please do not run any script in the project before this paragraph being removed. You can star this repo in order to let me know that there is a persion still look forward to this project, it will make me working harder on it <3
It's a project which helps you to build Ubuntu 18.04 for raspberrypi 3b+.
Notice: only raspberrypi 3b or newer version can use arm64 system. Don't build this system for older raspberrypi, it will spoil your time.
This script only works on x86(x86_64)Linux system.
You can build your own raspberrypi system with this script.
This raspi system based on Ubuntu 18.04.
you can get all details about these scripts in ./scripts/
User: pi
Password: pi
Apt mirror site: Tsinghua University TUNA Association's mirror site (China)
SSH: enable (on port 22)
raspi-config: enable (by command raspi-config
Expand rootfs: disable (you can expand rootfs in raspi-config manually.)
Desktop environment: disable
- Ubuntu 18.04
The Older verison of Ubuntu and Debian was not tested. I guess that this script would work on these systems.
If it workd on the system not listed here, please open an issue and tell me.
sudo ./
Notice: debootstrap is also using Tsinghua University TUNA Association's mirror site.
You can edit ./scripts/
if you want to change it.
It's a value on the top of the file, easy to find.