For the sake of simplicity, lets consider a simple Cloud Service architecture consisting of:
- Two Apache Web Server Docker containers running a cloud App (Container 2 as Backup Server).
- One NginX Load Balancer Docker container.
- A cAdvisor Docker container monitoring the host machine as well as the Docker containers in the Cloud Service.
- Get familiar with Ansible and how it can make a Cloud Engineer #sleepmore
- Exercise 1
Code and run an Ansible Playbook to test the Failover scenario for our Demo Cloud Service.
- Exercise 2
Understand the encapsulated SRE framework and design a new Role to automate Fault Injections.
First things First...
- Navigate to the labs > 4486 > 4486_Ubuntu-14-04-base Folder from the Desktop.
- Double-click the Ubuntu-14-04.vmx file.
- Click Power on this virtual machine in the left panel.
- Log into the Ubuntu VM for our workshop 4486A using the credentials provided on the left panel.
- Username: localuser
- Password: passw0rd
- Make sure that you have Internet Connection.
- Make sure that you are able to use a browser and the terminal.
- If all’s well, we are good to go!
Open up the terminal and:
cd ~
git clone
cd interconnect2017-sreframework/
File/Folder | Explanation |
env_setup | Contains the files to setup the Demo Cloud service environment for our workshop |
inventory | Holds the Ansible inventory files |
playbooks | Contains the Ansible playbooks that we are going to code as a part of this workshop |
sreFramework | Underlying Ansible-based SRE Framework leveraged by the Cloud Services to inject faults in their Environments |
Let's quickly setup the demo service environment for our workshop.
cd env_setup
~/interconnect2017-sreframework/env_setup$ sh
*********** INITIATING SETUP **************
>> Pulling the required docker images...
>> Docker images pulled.
>> Starting the Apache containers...
Apache containers started successfully.
>> Setting up the NginX Load Balancer...
>> Load Balancer setup completed.
>> Setting up CAdvisor to monitor the containers...
>> CAdvisor set up successfully.
*********** SETUP COMPLETED **************
App: http://localhost
CAdvisor: http://localhost:8081
Now you have a running Demo Cloud Service environment in your VM.
Open up a browser to check the running app at:
And check cAdvisor at:
docker ps
~/interconnect2017-sreframework$ docker ps
e4eb480fa089 google/cadvisor "/usr/bin/cadvisor..." 8 minutes ago Up 7 minutes>8080/tcp cadvisor
d16a5378c7b1 smebberson/alpine-nginx "/init" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes>80/tcp, 443/tcp loadbalancer
47dc09057d2a nimmis/alpine-apache "/" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes 80/tcp, 443/tcp app2
629f049efb94 nimmis/alpine-apache "/" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes 80/tcp, 443/tcp app1