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Future Developments
Use CMSSW_10_1_6
- update JET PU ID (jetFiller.cc)
- KaMuKa [but old version still runs]
- PU reweighting - first version of 2017 MC to 2018 data in; must be updated regularly with new JSONS (2018 MC not yet available)
- fix Ele ID ...
Use CMSSW_9_2_3_patch2
Removed from checkout_9X.csh :
- electron scale and smearing corrections. Besides updated ScalesSmearings files, we need a version of the code working in 9X; this is not apparently available since we were merging branch rafaellopesdesa:EgammaAnalysis80_EGMSmearer_Moriond17_23Jan, notably for ele regression.
- MET recipe
To be updated:
- KaMuKa [but old version still runs]
- PU reweighting - first version of 2016 MC to 2017 data in; must be updated regularly with new JSONS
Skipping corrections from processing: muon corrections (but technically can be run), electron corrections (no working version), JEC, JER, MET corrections. This is set by these variables in the csv file:
(before activating any of those, the corresponding configuration for LEPTON_SETUP=2017 must be added to ZZ4lAnalysis.py -
Triggers: at the moment the triggers are not used to filter events (variable APPLYTRIG=False). The result of the trigger conditions is anyhow saved in the trees. Note that in this way, events will be duplicated in different PDs since we rely on mutually exclusive trigger requirements to avoid duplications.
New triggers added to: https://github.com/CJLST/ZZAnalysis/blob/miniAOD_80X/AnalysisStep/test/MasterPy/ZZ4lAnalysis.py#L288- HLT_Ele35_WPTight_Gsf
- HLT_Ele38_WPTight_Gsf
- HLT_Ele40_WPTight_Gsf
- HLT_Ele23_Ele12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL
cf https://hypernews.cern.ch/HyperNews/CMS/get/commissioning.html for news on JSON files.-
Initially: take the DCS-only JSON from /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSCOMM/COMM_DQM/certification/Collisions17/13TeV/DCSOnly/json_DCSONLY.txt and select the "good physics" runs listed in: https://indico.cern.ch/event/651440/contributions/2651026/attachments/1489063/2313823/17-07-06_PPD_News.pdf
This is done at:
https://github.com/CJLST/ZZAnalysis/blob/miniAOD_80X/AnalysisStep/test/prod/convertJSON.py#L20 -
Currently: take second Golden JSON from /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSCOMM/COMM_DQM/certification/Collisions17/13TeV/PromptReco/Cert_294927-299042_13TeV_PromptReco_Collisions17_JSON.txt
This is done at:
Interactive tests: run
cmsRun analyzer_Sync90X.py