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Compute flux

Luc edited this page Mar 17, 2023 · 8 revisions


  • polylines are numbered from the input file order starting at 1
  • flux thourgh a cross-section is positive if it is designed from left to right bank (ie. cross-section normal vector is oriented at 90° of the original cross-section in the anticlockwise direction)

Possible flux computations

Depending on variables which are in input Serafin files, following flux computations are available:

(X, Y) Vector field Heigth Scalar Result Unit
- H - Cross sectional area
(U, V) H - Liquid flux m³/s
(I, J) - -
- H M
- - Q
(QSX, QSY) - - Total solid flux m³/s
- - QS
- - QS CLASS *
(QSBLX, QSBLY) - - Bed load solid flux m³/s
- - QSBL
(QSSUSPX, QSSUPY) - - Suspension solid flux m³/s
- - QS SUSP. CL*
(U, V) H T Solid flux kg/s
* is the index of the sediment in case of multi-class approch.

ℹ️ Solid fluxes are also expressed in m3/s and correspond to the volume of solids (i.e. without void).

⚠️ Some solid flux computations might correspond to the maximum sediment transport capacity. Therefore beware of the meaning of the variables which are used for the flux computation.