This is the cuda GPU version of Z-checker (, a library to characterize the data and check the compression results of lossy compressors. If you want to use the CPU/MPI version, please download Z-checker: If you want to install Z-checker (CPU version) and its dependencies with one simple command, you can use z-checker-installer (
cmake >= 3.19
CUDA toolkit >= 10.0 with samples/common/inc
Under the cuZ-checker directory:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make -j8
Assuming your original 3D (100*500*500) data is foo.dat, the compressed data is, and the decompressed data is They all are under cuZ-checker/example/Datasets.
To perform the measurements, enter cuZ-checker/example and first run data property analysis:
./analyzeDataProperty foo -f zc.config Datasets/foo.dat 500 500 100
Then conduct the comperisons between the original and decompressed data:
./compareDataSets -f zc.config "SZ(1E-3)" foo Datasets/foo.dat Datasets/ 500 500 100
Note that "SZ(1E-3)" is the error bound that should be consistent with the compressor.
zc.config is changable that controls the measurement settings.