The User-Web-Client is a user-facing, web-based application that allows to browse the published satellite data of the Reference System. Satellite products can be graphically discovered by their footprints on a map or also in a list when no geographical footprint is available. When searching, the result can be refined by defining filters on the products metadata or graphically by selecting a region of interest. Results can then be selected, details can be viewed and the product data can be downloaded.
The software is a Single-page application written in written in TypeScript and is using the Angular framework.
A brief instruction on how to deploy the User Web Client on your cluster and how you can configure the component, can be found within the User Installation Manual.
If you seek for more information on how to use the User Web Client after it had been deployed, please consult its User Manual.
For more information about the design, please consult the Architecture Design Document.
This project is funded by the EU and ESA.