Currently, in XJTLU campus, we have noticed that only the seminar rooms in library of CB and IBSS have online reservation apps, while the classrooms in other buildings have no such kind of apps to reserve spare classrooms, which means that it is extremely inconvenient for students to find a place for self-study in the campus, and there are often conflicts and chaos of the right to use each spare classroom. Therefore, our group is going to develop a web app to solve this issue.
Software architecture description
- Run the sql scripts to create tables and insert instances before running the application
- Run the file "" in "src/main/java/com/cpt202a19/reservation"
- Open 'IP-address':8080 in your browser
- Ensure the setting of your database and check appliactionpropertie file
- Register your account first
- Log in with your account
- Add reservation details(modify: delete and rebulid would achieve)
- Book room(s) (must select for waiting list and then cids could get in url and could reserve)
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