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Ancient Brawlers, a custom Trading Card Game, developed in the UofT course CSC207: Software Design.

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Ancient Brawlers

Ancient Brawlers is a Trading Card Game (TCG) that is currently designed for two players to play locally. In this game, each player controls three "creatures" (used for battle), and each has a deck of cards containing "actions" and "structures" (used as additional support). Players must fight to defeat all the opponent's creatures, by directing creatures to attack and giving them boosts using the deck cards. Like all TCGs out there, cards in the deck have different effects, so use them strategically, and outwit your opponent!

Table of Contents


This program is written in Java, using JDK Amazon Corretto version 11.0.19. Unit tests are written mainly with JUnit 5.6.0, with some tests using Mockito 3.12.4.

To run the game, clone this repository and run the file src/main/java/

The data in this game are stored in JSON files. Make sure you have the JSON dependency added to your configuration file. The project repository contains the build.gradle file which should already include the necessary settings.

Note that the graphics may vary depending on the platform. For example, running the application on Windows and Mac may look different. This is mostly due to Java Swing GUI.

Game Rules and Tutorial

During gameplay, players will mostly be looking at this screen:


Let's break it down:

Card types


This is a Creature card. The two numbers in the bottom right corner of the card shows the Attack cost (top) and Defend cost (bottom). A Creature also has Hit-points and Attack Damage, but these stats are shown in separate components in the gameplay screen.


This is an Essence card. It is the cost for a creature to attack or defend. During the start of a player's turn, there will always be two Essence cards given to the each player at the start of their respective turns.


This is an Action card. It is like a "spell card" that a player can use during their turn. Action cards are contained in every player's deck. Each unique Action card has its own effects, and it will have a description that shows when you hover your mouse over the card. For example, the card we are seeing right now is "Cataclysm", and its description is "Deal 10 damage to ALL creatures." (You didn't misread it, this card deals damage to everyone, but use it wisely and you may just claim victory!)


This is a Structure card. It is similar to an Action in that it has effects and is in the player's deck, but the catch is that playing a Structure card will set it on the game board (until you play another one to take its place, or until your opponent destroys it with some Action). Most importantly, the effects on a Structure can keep triggering, as long as the game has come to the required moments (start of turn, end of turn, etc.). For example, the "Forest of the Elves" card has the following description: "At the end of your turn, restore 2 HP to all friendly creatures."

Card Library

Currently, the game has the following types of effect: Heal, HealthBuff, HealthModify, Damage, DamageBuff, DamageModify, Swap-Health-Attack, Stun, DrawCard, DestroyStructure.

There are also three trigger events for the structure cards: start of turn, end of turn, and during the moment a creature is defeated.

Details in the src/main/java/entities package.

Here, we will give a quick preview of the cards that are currently in the game:

Seek Action Card
Draw 2 play cards.
Lift Action Card
Restore 3 HP to all friendly creatures.
Perception Action Card
Draw 2 Essence cards.
Sabotage Action Card
Destroy the opponent's structure.
Salvage Action Card
Restore 10 HP to a friendly creature.
Inspire Action Card
Increase HP capacity by 3 to all friendly creatures.
Reinforce Action Card
Increase base Attack Damage by 5 to all friendly creatures.
Cataclysm Action Card
Deal 10 damage to ALL creatures.
Delusion Action Card
Reduce Attack Damage by 5 to all enemy creatures, until next turn.
Demon's Amulet Action Card
Swap the HP and Attack of a creature.
Incantation Action Card
Stun an enemy creature, until next turn.
The War Action Card
Give 3 HP and 3 Attack Damage to all friendly creatures, until next turn.
Forest of the Elves Structure Card
At the end of your turn, restore 2 HP to all friendly creatures.
Homeland Structure Card
At the end of your turn, reduce Attack Damage by 2 to all enemy creatures.
Pool of Wisdom Structure Card
At the start of your turn, draw 1 Essence card.
Arena Structure Card
At the end of your turn, deal 2 damage to ALL creatures.
Dead End Structure Card
When one of your creatures dies, increase base Attack Damage by 5 to all friendly creatures.
Ruins of Titans Structure Card
At the start of your turn, temporarily give 2 Attack Damage to all friendly creatures.

Lastly, there are six available creature cards at the moment:

The Celestial The Phoenix The Spirit The Giant The Guardian The Wraith

Their HP and ATK stats can be viewed in the file creatures.json

Player resources

Let's take a closer look at one side of the game board.


The bottom row displays the cards currently in the player's hand. You can click to select any of them, and the selected card will be shown just above the "Play Card" button. Once you've decided, hit that "Play Card" button and the effects from the selected card will be unleashed! If you select and play a Structure, it will show up at the left-most card slot show in this image. Finally, on the right side of the board, you get to see the supplies you have: a deck of cards (Action and Structure) and another deck full of Essence (unlimited Essence!).


At the start of the game, players receive their first hand of cards by going through the mulligan phase.


The player draws 3 cards from their deck, and can choose which ones to be replaced. The chosen cards are shuffled into the deck, and new cards are drawn to be kept in the player's hand. This is a typical rule in card games, and it gives the players a chance to get the cards they want (otherwise, since decks are always randomly shuffled, the randomness may be disruptive).


To attack, the player must select a friendly creature, then select an enemy creature. The attack will initiate once this sequence of actions are taken. When a player decides to let a creature attack an enemy creature, the game will switch to this screen:


The game will calculate for the other player whether they have enough Essence to spend on a Defend move, and any available defending creatures will show up on the bottom two card slots. In this situation the player under attack can do two things:

  • Clicking "Pass", letting the attack proceed, and the target creature takes damage.
  • Selecting one of the defenders and clicking "Confirm": the defending creature will take the damage instead. So, you may want to coordinate your creatures to protect a certain powerful creature, and let that creature be ready to deliver a powerful strike!

Target Selection

When an Action is played and its effect is on a single creature, then we see a target-selection screen:


Here, the card "Salvage" has the effect "Restore 10 HP to a friendly creature." Thus, we see that amount the six creatures that are on the game board, the available choices are only the 3 creatures friendly to the player who used this card. In this screen, you will have to select a target to proceed.

Game Flow

A typical turn goes like this:

  1. The turn begins. The player draws 2 deck cards, and also draws 2 Essence. Buffs are cleared during this stage.
  2. Middle stage of the turn. The player can play cards from their hand (as many as they want, but Essence cards can't be directly played).
  3. Next, if the player is done, they can press the "End Turn" button, and the turn will proceed to the end phase.
  4. Or, if the player decides to attack, then the attacking phase is processed. After that, the turn also proceeds to the end phase.
  5. The turn ends. Effects that trigger during this stage shall take place. Finally, the turn is passed to the opposing player.

Now you are ready to start the brawl!

Software Architecture

SOLID principles

  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

    Each module should only be responsible to a single actor. We enforce this rule on various scales in the program.

    In small scales, we have each class being responsible for a single task. For example, an ActionCard holds the name of an Action card, the description, and the corresponding effects. As for the triggering of the effects, that is a job for a different class. We make sure that the cards are only responsible for storing the information, as for using those information, that's for other classes to manage.

    In large scales, we make sure every package/subpackage only serves one role. For example, the package holds all types of cards and their information. This is separated from the other package entities.cardEffects, which solely deals with the effects that go on the Action and Structure cards. The cards have some dependency on the cardEffects, but it is still easier for maintenance by separating the two collections of classes.

    The other significant example for SRP is that we have different controllers and presenters when it comes to the interfaces in the Clean Architecture design.

  • Open/Closed Principle (OCP)

    We can see OCP from the inheritance relationship in the package. All card types extend the Card abstract class, which means if we introduce new types of cards in the game, we can just "attach" a new class file to this package, and there is no need to modify existing code. Another example is the entities.cardEffects package. This one is probably the most frequently changed package if we decide to expand the game and design new cards. So, any new effects only need to extend the existing effect interfaces, which is again allowing extensions but no modifications.

  • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

    A straightforward example of LSP is that the a player's hand is represented by a list of Card (the parent class of all cards), while we are inputting items of type ActionCard, StructureCard and EssenceCard. The program still works when we add these child class types into the list, and that is the definition of LSP.

  • Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

    One example is that only the ActionCard and StructureCard types have descriptions and effects, so we make them implement a Playable interface, with the methods that get those descriptions and effects. As for the other cards, like CreatureCard, we don't implement the Playable interface on it, so the CreatureCard is not dependent on extra code that it doesn't use.

    A more plain example is that we have broken down classes into small enough pieces, so that the import statements in every class are exactly the things they need, without extra/unused code.

  • Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

    One example (aside from the use cases) is the relationship between Presenter, ViewModel and View. The presenters send game state information into the screen components. But if we do it directly, then we have a higher level module dependent on a lower level, more volatile module. So to mitigate this problem we just introduce an interface in between, letting both modules depend on this abstraction. The ViewModel is in the interface layer along with the Presenter, so the Presenter can talk to it without problems. Meanwhile, we have the View looking at changes in the ViewModel, and updating when necessary.

    In fact, the DIP can be seen throughout the entire program structure. Anywhere we see an interface, we are probably enforcing the DIP rule. This is obviously true for the use case packages, since we are following Clean Architecture.

Clean Architecture

The typical four layers of Clean Architecture are entities (enterprise business rules), use cases (application business rules), interfaces (like API), and frameworks (UI, database, device). This card game is also just another kind of software, thus I've drawn some analogies.

The "enterprise business rules" for this card game are the core game objects. The cards, effects, players, and decks are all part of this core layer. So we've put them into the package entities. Then, the application business rules are those that make use of the game objects (i.e. putting some object together with another, using methods in one object to modify its state, etc.). Again, following SRP, we've separated the use cases into many subpackages, which can be seen under the main use_cases package.

Then, for the Interface Adapters Layer, we create the many types of controllers and presenters to cater for the use cases. This layer would be the API to our game program, which makes it possible to migrate the game to a different tool for designing the UI. Finally, the frameworks layer currently just uses Java Swing for the game UI, and we also have a package specifically for data access (interactions with databases, which are just JSON files for now).


Unit test

Currently, tests are written for all entity classes, all use cases, and some interfaces. There are no tests for the UI components, and it is due to (1) there isn't a properly determined way to make the UI, so tests are not well determined, and (2) the UI is difficult to test, and the more straight-forward way to test these components is to play the game and test by eye (see the section below on play-testing).

Test coverage provided by IntelliJ IDEA (by package):

  • entities
    • Class: 100%
    • Method: 100%
    • Line: 95%
  • use_cases:
    • Class: 100%
    • Method: 52%
    • Line: 77%
  • interface_adapters:
    • Class: 25%
    • Method: 43%
    • Line: 40%

The entities are given the most attention, as they represent the core game components. The use cases are given the same level of attention, because they make up the game mechanics and the program's internal logic. Although the result says that only 52% of the methods are tested, most of the untested methods are setter methods from the input/output data models. Those methods are unused because the data are always passed in through the construction of those data models. The setters are not removed in case some modifications are required. This is also why the number of lines tested is 77%, because that 70% includes the actual use case methods.


This program can be seen as the prototype of a larger and more complex game. A good quality game requires playtesting, and constantly needs feedback on the user experience. So, to make up for the lack of tests on the UI components, we need to play the game: do what the game says, and also do what it doesn't say. For a card game, the mechanics is perhaps the most important component. As we play, we are bound to find bugs, both logically and visually, and we will just frequently report the bugs we find, and frequently open new branches to fix them. This should be an always ongoing process happening in the background.

At the moment, you can find many open issues labelled as "bug" in the issues tab. These should be fixed as more feature developments are taking place, and there should naturally be more bug issues being opened as the development continues.

Design Patterns

Model-View-Presenter (MVP) and Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)

Clean Architecture shares many design patterns, including MVC, MVP, MVVM. But depending on the program's intents, the final product may lean closer to one of the many patterns.

For this card game, I've chosen to use MVP, with a mix of MVVM. The highlight is in the addition of the ViewModel, for the View is observing changes from the ViewModel, and when the Presenter update the ViewModel, the View (game UI) will update itself to match the changes to the game state.

Using this pattern, we have extracted the UI to be a separate component, so we can choose to build a better UI while working on game logics simultaneously. If we have a larger team, then one group could focus on UI design, while another group focuses on the actual numbers and letters to be shown on the UI.

Simple Factory

For a systematic way of building the card effects during runtime, we use a simple factory pattern. This can be seen in the class entities.cardEffects.CardEffectFactory. With this factory class, we separate the object construction code from the code that actually uses the objects. Although if the game were to expand, we would have to redesign the way these card effects are stored, and will need to adopt an actual Factory Method pattern instead.


There are two sets of observer patterns used between the Interface Layer and the UI layer.

The GameFrame (a class in UI) is a FrameUpdateListener, observing the GameFrameModel (a class in Interface Layer). The GameFrameModel is given to many presenters (actually through dependency injection), so whenever a presenter has brought updates to the UI content, it would notify the observers. In this case, the only observer is the GameFrame, and it will tell its components to update themselves in response to the notification from the GameFrameModel.

This leads to the second set and more crucial set of observers––––the many Screen classes stored inside the GameFrame. Each screen class is a ScreenUpdateListener, and they are all observing the GameFrame. When the GameFrame receives instructions to update itself, it is actually notifying all its observers to update themselves. So, with this entire design, we have made the View(s) observe changes in the ViewModel(s), which is actually managed by the Presenter(s) behind the scenes.

Meanwhile, we still maintain the dependency inversion principle, as the Listener classes are defined in the Interface Layer, and the UIs are merely using them.

Dependency Injection

Every use case package uses dependency injection, as it is a highlight of the Clean Architecture design. So these parts won't be explained here.

There is another usage that can also be treated as a kind of dependency injection, and that is in how we manage the GameState object. Every use case interactor class must make modifications to the same gameState, otherwise we fail to connect all the game logics together. So we define an attribute in every use case interactor, with the type GameState, but we don't create it inside the interactor. Instead, during program setup (which happens in the main() in, we pass the same gameState variable into all the interactors during construction. This is one of the key features that allow the game to come together.


Game Design: Jiaxun (Kevin) Yang
Software Design: Jiaxun (Kevin) Yang
Programmers: everyone
Bug fixes: Ethan Hsu, Kaifeng Li
Unit tests: Ethan Hsu, Pranav Sethi
Documentation: Ethan Hsu, Jiaxun Yang


Ancient Brawlers, a custom Trading Card Game, developed in the UofT course CSC207: Software Design.






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