STREAM SEARCH(previously named OverLook)
Description: Let us do the searching
Stream Search gives you the ability to search for Movies and TV shows on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and HBO GO all-in-one place. When you find the movie or TV show you like simply click on the link; and it will tell you a summary about the movie/show, when it was released, time duration of movie/show, and a movie trailer linked from YouTube. For TV shows you can view the available seasons, a summary plot of the episodes, and a link to the Streaming services where that Show or Movie is available to watch.
Link to Demo:
List of changes made in Handin 3, 4/24:
- Added recommendations in Chatbot - Elias
- Added Facebook friends invite - Elias, Brandon
- Integrated tmdb and Guidebox apis for movies - Brandon
- Catch-all for page refreshes that would result in errors - Miguel
- Styling for Website - Michael
- Facebook API for friendslist - Michael, Miguel, Brandon
List of changes made in Handin 2, 4/10:
- Added facebook log-in option. - Miguel
- Added chat window for front end chatbot. - Elias
- Implemented the Guidebox API so TV Shows now populate when typing in the search bar. - Brandon
- Added show details for TV shows that give a desciption summary what the show is about and its runtime. - Brandon
- Implemented Horizontal scroll bar for scrolling through the movie lists of movies and TV shows that are being searched for. - Brandon
List of known problems:
- Recommendations doesn't work on some of our workspaces, but works well on heroku.
- Errors with facebook API in inspector.
List of improvements over time:
- Chatbot will recommend shows.
- An active friends list with facebook api.
- More appealing website.
- Auto recommendations based on searches
I've created an email to use to register for the API's
Email: [email protected]
Password: Password17! API Key c338d925a0672acf243133ddc1d5d66fb0191391
Some starter code for React on Flask.
Python SDK for Facebook's Graph API
$ nvm install 6
$ npm install -g webpack
$ npm install
$ webpack --watch