Gateway to research grant-journal association & Journal comparison site
Author: Digital Services, The University of Cambridge
Last updated: 2013-11-28
This README contains an overview of the project and basic configuration options
This functionality was created under a JISC funded project
It uses the Gateway to Research API's from rcuk
for more information please see: found on
Change configuration file: config.json
you will need to insert the correct keys for your institution
The Crsid functionality is currently cambridge university specific, however, any ldap enabled institution should be able to extend and use it
The javascript has the option to log to the console
see: static/grantaja.js
set nodebug = false to allow debugging
If Caching is enabled then queries will be cached to a SQLite database
This uses the sqlite3 module
G4HE - released under Apache License
lxml - shipped under BSD license (
libxml2 and libxslt2 - shipped under the MIT license
httplib2 - shipped under the MIT license (
cherrypy - shipped under BSD license (
python-ldap - shipped under the python license (