A series of plugins and themes for BetterDiscord. If you got any question hit me up on Discord DevilBro#4401
- Better NSFW Tag - Adds a more noticeable tag to NSFW channels.
- Char Counter - Adds a character counter to the chat.
- Chat Aliases - Allows the user to configure their own chat-aliases which will automatically be replaced before the message is being sent.
- Chat Filter - Allows the user to censor words or block complete messages based on words in the chatwindow.
- Complete Timestamp - Replace all timestamps with complete timestamps.
- Creation Date - Displays the Creation Date of an Account in the UserPopout and UserModal.
- Edit Channels - Allows the user to locally change the name and color of channels.
- Edit Servers - Allows the user to locally change the name, initials, icon and color of servers.
- Edit Users - Allows you to change the icon, name, tag and color of users.
- Emoji Statistics - Displays emojiinformation when hovering over an emoji in the emojipicker and adds a button to the emojipicker to open a statistics overview.
- Fix German Translation - Fixes some minor translation errors in the german version of Discord.
- Fix Twitch Emotes - Fixes the problem with twitch emotes not being properly inserted in the textarea.
- Google Search Replace - Replaces the default Google Text Search with a selection menu of several search engines.
- Google Translate Option - Adds a Google Translate option to your context menu, which will open the selected text in Google Translate.
- Image Gallery - Allows the user to browse through images sent inside the same message.
- Message Utilities - Offers a number of useful message options.
- Moveable Popups - Adds the feature to move all popups and modals around like on a normal desktop. Ctrl + drag with your left mousebutton to drag element.
- Notification Sounds - Allows you to replace the native sounds of Discord with your own.
- Old Title Bar - Reverts the title bar back to its former self.
- Personal Pins - Similar to normal pins. Lets you save messages as notes for yourself.
- Plugin Repo - Allows you to look at all plugins from the plugin repo and download them on the fly.
- Read All Notifications Button - Adds a little button at the top of your serverlist that enables you to clear all mentions and messagesnotifications at once.
- Remove Nicknames - Replace all nicknames with the actual accountnames.
- Repo Controls - Lets you sort and filter your list of downloaded Themes and Plugins.
- Reverse Image Search - Adds the option to reverse image search images in discord via several engines.
- Send Large Messages - Opens a popout when your message is too large, which allows you to automatically send the message in several smaller messages.
- Server Hider - Adds two options on your server context menu to hide servers in your server list.
- Server Folders - Adds the option to create pseudo folders that, click the folder to hide/display all folders between two folders. Easily gets broken by moving server icons.
- Show Hidden Channels - Displays all hidden channels that can't be accessed due to role restrictions in a new category.
- Spell Check - Adds a spellcheck to all textareas.
- Steam Profile Link - Opens a steam profile in steam instead of a browser when clicking the steamlink in a userprofile. With the help of square.
- Theme Repo - Allows you to preview all themes from the theme repo and download them on the fly.
- Top Role Everywhere - Adds the highest role of a user as a tag.
- Write UpperCase - Changes the input in the textarea to uppercase.
- Basic Background - Allows you to use a background image in Discord without greatly altering the basic look of Discord.