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Better Deep Scarce Ores:

Welcome to a hard mining mode with in depth gameplay! This mod builds upon Better Stone but changes where ores spawn to create a challenging tiered miner development. Inspired by Scarce Resources and Deep Ores planets have deep large and infrequent patches of ore and certain ores are only common on given planets or moons. With this mod you will spend a lot of time searching for ore deposits but you will be highly rewarded and want to set up a big minning base to take advantage of the massive yield. You will likely have to rely on surface rocks in the early game and to get small amounts of Magnesium for defensive ammo. To progress you will have to get to the Earth Moon for some Silver and Gold for medbays and jump drives, Mars for Platinum, Alien for Uranium, and Europa and Titan for common Silver and Gold respectively. Triton is included and has common Magnesium and limited Cobalt if you want to use it as an alternative starting planet. 

[h1]Recommendations To Use:[/h1]
- The original idea for space ores was to have all findable but high tier ones very rare(right now about 1 in 600) and patches being small. As a minimum when creating a new world set advanced settings [i]Asteroid amount[/i] to [i]Lowest density[/i]. Alternatively if you are comfortable editing the [i]Sandbox_cofig[/i] found in the save folder you can change  [i]DepositsCountCoefficient[/i] to 0.5 and [i]DepositSizeDenominator[/i] to 2000 which will make all space ore deposits smaller. That way there is reason to set up a mine on a planet and haul material out of gravity. With the save config setting changes this vision is achieved(would love to automate the changes in the mod but don't know how). 
- A long range ore detector mod is highly recommended and I have found this one to work, [url=]Azimuth Overclocked Ore Detectors.[/url] 
- This mod was designed with an Earth start in mind but if you are willing to trade or salvage you could theoretically start anywhere. 

[h1]Planet & Moon Ore Spawn Table:[/h1]

Tier1 Ores(Fe,Ni,Si): spawn 50-300m down on planets/moons, common in surface rocks, uncommon in space asteroids. 

Tier2 Ores(Co,Mg,Ag): spawn 300-600m down on planets/moons, Mg uncommon in surface rocks, rare in space asteroids. 

Tier3 Ores(Au,Pt,U): spawn 600-900m down on planets/moons, extremely rare in space asteroids. 

? Modded planets; Not supported although they should work but will only have vanilla ores. 
? Mods that add ores; Generally any mods that add ores will cause unexpected behavior depending on which mod is higher priority during loading. Best to put this mod at top of the list(bottom for DS) so it has priority although it may then prevent the ores from the other mod from spawning. I have tested this mod with Daily Needs and if my mod is above it in priority it works fine still spawning organic ore on the planet and doesn't seam to spawn the space ores although maybe if you looked long enough you would find some. 
? I can't find any ore; Yep that is the intended result of this mod. Are you using a modded long range ore detector? In my testing I had to travel relatively slowly or I would fly past the ore deposit without the 5k range of the ore detector being able to properly scan the whole area. I have had best results with a range just over 1k and driving on a rover(FYI the "Space only" detectors do work on planets). 
? Adding to my current save; Back up your save! Adding and removing this mod from a save file shouldn't break anything but it will cause unexpected behavior. 

- Lemmiwinks for the [url=]Procedural Ore Generator[/url] without which this mod would not have been possible.
- DranKof for [url=]Better Stones[/url] that this mod expands upon. 
- Chrido & Darian Stephens for [url=]Scarce Resources[/url] that I have enjoyed playing with and inspired this mod. 
- Ghost722nd for [url=]Deep Ores[/url] that I have enjoyed playing with and inspired this mod. 

[h1]Planned Features:[/h1]
[url=]GitHub Source Code[/url] 
! Add a long range ore detector to the mod.
! Better ore color patches on surface to help finding ores. 
! Ballance adjustments?

Please do not repost or share original or derived versions of this mod. All work is original to me or the mod dependencies that this is expanding upon. Custom server versions are allowed as long as they link back to this mod and are anonymized, aka don't use a similar name, don't use the mod thumbnail. 

Near Max length for Steam Description :(
Detailed Info--
		Tier1 50-300m (ID-Name Number - Asteroid Probability)
			Iron_01-Icy Iron (Fe)
			Iron_02-<CM> Dense Iron (Fe) 1
			Heazlewoodite_01-<CM> Heazlewoodite (Ni) 2
			Taenite_01-<CM> Taenite (Fe, Ni) 3
			Hapkeite_01-<S> Hapkeite (Fe, Si) 4
			Sinoite_01-<S> Sinoite (Si) 5
			Quartz_01-<S> Quartz (Si) 6
		Tier2 300-600m
			Akimotoite_01-<S> Akimotoite (Si, Mg) 100
			Wadsleyite_01-<S> Wadsleyite (Si, Mg) 101 - 10
			Olivine_01-<S> Olivine (Si, Mg) 102
			Dolomite_01-<S> Dolomite (Mg) 103
			Cattierite_01-<CM> Cattierite (Co) 104
			Cohenite_01-<CM> Cohenite (Ni, Co) 105 - 10
			Kamacite_01-<CM> Kamacite (Fe, Ni, Co) 106 - 10
			Glaucodot_01-<CM> Glaucodot (Fe, Co) 107
			Galena_01-<PM> Galena (Ag) 108 - 10
			Chlorargyrite_01-<PM> Chlorargyrite (Ag) 109
		Tier3 600-900m
			Carnotite_01-<EI> Carnotite (U) 200 - 1
			Autunite_01-<EI> Autunite (U) 201
			Uraniaurite_01-<EI> Uraniaurite (U, Au) 202
			Electrum_01-<PM> Electrum (Au, Ag) 203
			Porphyry_01-<PM> Porphyry (Au) 204
			Petzite_01-<PM> Petzite (Ag, Au) 205
			Niggliite_01-<PM> Niggliite (Pt) 206
			Cooperite_01-<PM> Cooperite (Ni, Pt) 207 - 1
			Sperrylite_01-<PM> Sperrylite (Pt) 208
			Pyrite_01-<CM> Pyrite (Fe, Au) 209 - 1

		Earth: Cobalt
			c- <CM> Kamacite (Fe, Ni, Co)
			c- <CM> Glaucodot (Fe, Co)
			c- <S> Hapkeite (Fe, Si)
			u- <S> Sinoite (Si)
			u- <CM> Taenite (Fe, Ni)
			u- Iron_02//<CM> Dense Iron (Fe)
			u- <CM> Cattierite (Co)
			u- <CM> Cohenite (Ni, Co)
			r- <S> Akimotoite (Si, Mg)
			r- <S> Wadsleyite (Si, Mg)
		Moon: Silver & Gold (little)
			c- <S> Quartz (Si)
			c- <CM> Heazlewoodite (Ni)
			u- <PM> Galena (Ag)
			u- <CM> Pyrite (Fe, Au)
			r- <PM> Petzite (Ag, Au)
			r- <PM> Electrum (Au, Ag)
		Mars: Platinum
			c- <S> Quartz (Si)
			c- <S> Hapkeite (Fe, Si)
			c- <CM> Taenite (Fe, Ni)
			u- Iron_02//<CM> Dense Iron (Fe)
			u- <PM> Niggliite (Pt)
			u- <PM> Cooperite (Ni, Pt)
			u- <PM> Sperrylite (Pt)
			r- <S> Akimotoite (Si, Mg)
			r- <CM> Kamacite (Fe, Ni, Co)
			r- <CM> Glaucodot (Fe, Co)
		Europa: Silver
			c- <S> Hapkeite (Fe, Si)
			c- <CM> Taenite (Fe, Ni)
			c- <PM> Galena (Ag)
			u- <PM> Chlorargyrite (Ag)
			r- <PM> Petzite (Ag, Au)
			r- <PM> Electrum (Au, Ag)
		Alien: Uranium
			c- <CM> Heazlewoodite (Ni)
			c- <S> Hapkeite (Fe, Si)
			c- <CM> Taenite (Fe, Ni)
			u- Iron_02//<CM> Dense Iron (Fe)
			u- <EI> Carnotite (U)
			u- <EI> Autunite (U)
			r- <EI> Uraniaurite (U, Au)
			r- <S> Wadsleyite (Si, Mg)
			r- <CM> Kamacite (Fe, Ni, Co)
			r- <CM> Glaucodot (Fe, Co)
		Titan: Gold
			c- <CM> Pyrite (Fe, Au)
			c- <S> Quartz (Si)
			c- <CM> Taenite (Fe, Ni)
			u- <S> Hapkeite (Fe, Si)
			u- <PM> Electrum (Au, Ag)
			u- <PM> Porphyry (Au)
			u- <PM> Petzite (Ag, Au)
			r- <PM> Cooperite (Ni, Pt)
		Triton: Magnesium
			c- Iron_02//<CM> Dense Iron (Fe)
			c- <S> Wadsleyite (Si, Mg)
			c- <CM> Heazlewoodite (Ni)
			u- <S> Dolomite (Mg)
			u- <S> Olivine (Si, Mg)
			u- <S> Akimotoite (Si, Mg)
			r- <CM> Kamacite (Fe, Ni, Co)
			r- <CM> Glaucodot (Fe, Co)
		Asteroids: total 643 Tier1=100ea, Tier2=10ea, Tier3=1ea
		Planet Rocks: Tier1(15%ea)-DenseIron+Dolomite(10%)

Notes To Self-- 
	VoxelMaterialChanges = special ores on planets
	VoxelMaterials_asteroids = asteroid and planet rocks spawn rules
	PlanetGeneratorDefinitions = star system planets + moons ore mapping
	Triton = new planet ore mapping

	Otional Sandbox_config changes: SyncDistance = up to 50000, DepositsCountCoefficient = lower means less ore patches in asteroids, DepositSizeDenominator = higher smaller asteroid ore deposits, HarvestRatioMultiplier = lower means less ore per voxel space. 


Space Engineers Mod



