Clone or download to
Add your configuration to
and set it to the model
:: database.php ::
var $github = array(
'datasource' => 'Youtube.Youtube',
// These are only required for authenticated requests (write-access)
'login' => '--Your API Key--',
'password' => '--Your API Secret--',
'scope' => 'user,public_repo,repo,gist' // Optional comma-separated list. Read up here: http://developer.github.com/v3/oauth/#scopes
:: my_model.php ::
var $useDbConfig = 'github';
There are a variety of options available to you, however some combinations are required (for example 'wiki' requires 'owner' and 'repo') You can get an idea what's available to you by reading the Codaset API Documentation
- owner
- repo
Fields: pass only one of these at a time as a string
- General
- repos
- User specific (owner required)
- repos
- followers
- followings
- friends
- bookmarks
- Repo specific (owner and repo conditions required)
- issues
$data = $this->Model->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'owner' => 'cakephp',
'repo' => 'cakephp'
'fields' => 'commits',
Bold items are required
Unfollow a user
- follow => owner
Bold items are required
Create Repo
- type => repo
- owner => The owner of the repo owner.
- title => Title of the new repo.
- description => Description of the repo.
- state => The state of the repo. Possible values are 'public' (default), 'semi-private' or 'private'.
- fork => A publicly accessible URL of an external Git repository that will be cloned to create this repo. Example: git://external-domain.com/repository.git
Follow a user
- type => follow
- follow => owner
Bold items are required