- Clone starter kit repo to setup environment https://github.com/udacity/CarND-Term1-Starter-Kit
- Follow these directions: https://github.com/udacity/CarND-Term1-Starter-Kit/blob/master/doc/configure_via_anaconda.md and create the gpu environment
- Activate the
To run all the experiments you can take the following steps (Note: I would not recommend running the experiments because it is training a model for 4 epochs 430 different times with different hyperparameter combinations):
- Run
python fetch_data.py
- Run
python run_experiments.py
- Wait 5 hours
- Run
python run_top_five.py
The Jupyter notebook and writeup both contain explanations for the experiments being ran. Additionally the Jupyter notebook contains a model that can be trained with the set of hyperparmeters that I found had the highest accuracy rate from the experiments.