This project is designed to be a simple browser based UI for accessing e-books stored in a folder on the server.
The primary functionality is the library, which automaticaly populates itself with the contents of the "books" folder.
The library will display each sub-folder and it's content and allow users to download the files for reading, or view supported file types (Currently supports PDF, with EPUB on the To-do list)
The project also includes a management page that lets the user interact with a python flask API to manipulate the library and associated software features, such as the book data, folders and their contents, access options and thumbnails.
- Expand support to more file types
- Finish replacing old php scripts using python and js (will be stored in depreciated)
- Overhaul CSS for better aesthetics and possible mobile use
To run the server and website you will need to take the following steps:
- Install a LAMP stack with php (will change in future), I followed this tutorial:
- Install python version 3.9 or later
- Download the files from github and copy them into the web root, which should be at: /var/www/html/
- Open a command prompt and CD into the /var/www/html/Simple_Ebook_Server directory
- Run the command "NPM install" to fetch any needed JS packages
- Run the command: export FLASK_APP="" to point flask at the correct file.
- Run the command: flask run --host= to run the API. NOTE: the project is still WIP and this will change
- With the API now running, naviagte to: Device IP/Simple_Ebook_Server/Home.html
- Enjoy looking around and reading the supplied public domain books.