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1. Configuration for Linux & Windows

For Linux, you should make sure the USB port of the IMU in your /dev dir.

a. Before you run the data reading script, you should change the pemission of the USB port device by the following command
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB*      // (you may change '*' into a int number 0,1,2 ...)
b. You can list the availiable USB device by running the <>

For Windows, you should make sure the COM port of the IMU in your Device Manager.

a. You can also list the availiable USB device by running the <> at your IDE or command window.

2. File Tree

  ┣ 📜
  ┗ 📜
  ┣ 📜
  ┣ 📜
  ┣ 📜
  ┗ 📜
  ┣ 📜data_2021-09-22 20:21:33.192971_forward_ok_1.csv
  ┣ 📜data_2021-09-22 20:26:45.136785_forward_ok_2.csv
  ┣ 📜data_2021-09-22 20:32:37.902621_forward_ok_3.csv
  ┣ 📜data_2021-09-22 20:50:04.713883_lateral_ok_1.csv
  ┣ 📜data_2021-09-22 20:54:37.761909_lateral_ok_2.csv
  ┣ 📜data_2021-09-22 21:07:02.023691_lateral_ok_3.csv
  ┣ 📜data_2021-09-22 21:14:16.327567_turning_ok_1.csv
  ┣ 📜data_2021-09-22 21:18:19.296148_turning_ok_2.csv
  ┣ 📜data_2021-09-22 21:23:24.251881_turning_ok_3.csv
  ┗ 📜data_2021-09-28 21:54:43.609238_turning_ok_4.csv
  ┣ 📜FORWARD_FIG.png
  ┣ 📜LATERAL_FIG.png
  ┣ 📜TURNING_FIG_1.png
  ┣ 📜TURNING_FIG_2.png
  ┣ 📜forward_fig_1.png
  ┣ 📜forward_fig_2.png
  ┣ 📜forward_figure_ok_1.png
  ┣ 📜
  ┣ 📜
  ┣ 📜
  ┣ 📜lateral_fig_1.png
  ┣ 📜lateral_fig_2.png
  ┣ 📜lateral_figure_ok_1.png
  ┣ 📜turning_fig_1.png
  ┣ 📜turning_fig_2.png
  ┣ 📜turning_figure_ok_1.png
  ┗ 📜turning_figure_ok_2.png

3. Note for windows & Linux

< Linux>

  1. Connect the JY61 with a USB-TTL adaptor, the connection flow would be

    [PC] <==> [USB-TTL Adaptor] <==> [JY61 sensor]

  2. open a terminal, type
    pip3 install pyserial
  3. run the python script <> to test the imu sensor. If you get IMU data stream at your terminal, then the sensor is good.
  4. Note that: the Module <> should in the same folder with <>.

< Windows>

  1. 运行前需先安装pyserial,用WIN+R调出运行框,输入cmd,进入命令行,输入pip install pyserial更新一下函数库.
    pip install pyserial

4. Version Record

​ version : 3.0.0

  1. author : Can-Guo, [email protected]
  2. Date : 2021.09.18
  3. Modification 1: revision for data recording into a CSV file
  4. Modification 2: add a module to plot the imu data from the resultant CSV file we got before

​ version : 2.0.0

  1. intempt to implement as a function which could feedback data for N-times (mean value) -- IMU
  2. author : Can-Guo, [email protected]
  3. Date : 2021.07.14

​ version : 1.0.0

  1. initial implement


Wit-motion sensor JY61 reading.







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