On week 1, we worked on creating a responsive pizzeria page; using only JavaScript "if else", "swicht", "alert", "prompt"
We got a big support with the example on how the final product should looked; I personally had to reloaded several times to understand the logic behind it. My main problem is/was to use the logic in general as well as when writting and setting up the variables.
I got a better idea when the "Music festival exercise" was showned. I also watched videos and google for better understanding.
If I had more time, I would have been add more "what if" cases and add more "what if the customer want to add and extra ingredient?" case.
Have you deployed your project somewhere? Be sure to include the link to the deployed project so that the viewer can click around and see what it's all about.
I have linked my Netifly link. https://quiet-cajeta-165f14.netlify.app/