This application lets users interact with the Edamam API to search for food recipes. Recipe sources, links to full recipes directions, and nutrient information is presented in an organized way. Users can click individual recipies to show expanded recipe information such as nutrient breakdown, daily percent breakdown, and other relevant information.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
The purpose of this project, aside from creating a recipe search application, is to highlight my web design and front end development skills. I will show my methodology for creating a web application from conception to production. To learn more about my work history and goals, feel free to visit my linkedin
- During the development of this application, it was found out that certain query parameters were restricted in the free version of GET request to the Edamam API, it wasn't clearly described in the documentation, but only appeared in the purchasing page. Therefore, the Sketch Wireframes, SASS example, and the Bootstrap example (all of which, do not make web calls) show the entirety of the list of query paramaters, while the live version has a much more limited set.
- During the development of this application, the design for small phones in Sketch, I came to realize, were simply ugly, I made the choice to highlight the pictures instead of ommiting it completely. I believe doing so made the UX better.
- If you have any feedback to improve my code, feel free to drop me a line on my linkedin, I'm always interested in learning a better way!
- Technologies: React, Redux, HTML, CSS, JavaScript (ES6), SASS, Bootstrap, CSS Modules, Axios (ReST API Call, JSON parsing), Jest, Enzyme.
- Tools: Sketch, Git, GitHub, VSCode, Grunt, NPM, AWS (S3, Cloudfront, Route 53, Certificate Manager)
- Other: Test Driven Development (TDD), Pixel Perfect UIs via HTML/CSS, Component Modularity
- Understand information to be presented
- Where will information come from
- What information needs to be presented
- Understand possible application states
- Create a pen-and-paper wireframe
- Sketch general blocks of information
- Which positions best present the information to the user
- How to best balance information blocks
- Create a Sketch wireframe
- UI for different states: searchLevel, presentDetails, displayNutrients, displayDaily
- UI for different screen sizes: Desktop HD, Desktop, Tablet, Phone Lg, Phone
- Create UI using HTML/SCSS->CSS
- UIs via HTML/CSS, SCSS/SASS, CSS Grids (for x & y content positioning), CSS flex-box (for x or y content positioning), bootstrap for components, Grunt (as a task runner - SCSS to CSS)
- Can be found in the "sass" folder, section "UI via HTML/SCSS" provides instructions for running code on your machine
- Note: Production application will use CSS modules, however, I included this folder, called 'sass' located in the root directory, in this project to show my ability to develop in this capacity as well.
- Create UI with HTML/Bootstrap
- UIs via HTML/Bootstrap, Bootstrap Grids, jQuery, SCSS/SASS -> CSS for custom design changes, Grunt (as a task runner - SCSS to CSS)
- Can be found in the "bootstrap" folder, section "UI via HTML/Bootstrap" provides instructions for running code on your machine
- Note: Production application will use CSS modules, however, I included this folder, called 'bootstrap' located in the root directory, in this project to show my ability to develop in this capacity as well.
- Complete Application via React
- Use Jest and Enzyme to perform Test Driven Development (TDD)
- Use React as a front-end frameword and Redux for state management
- Use Bootstrap 4 to get the design 80% of the way there, Use ReactStrap for Components
- Use CSS Modules to add the custom design
- Deployment
- Use AWS for hosting responsibilites
The information source will come from the Edamam API. Sign up here for an api key, note: sign up for "Recipe Search". Here is a sample endpoint you can plug into your browser to see the general JSON structure:${YOUR_APP_ID}&app_key=${YOUR_APP_KEY}&from=0&to=3&calories=591-722&health=alcohol-free
The following keys and key discription pairs will be used in the app. Information will be generally divided up as follows:
- General:
- label: recipe name
- image: recipe image
- calories: calories
- totalTime: total expected cook time
- General Advance (includes 1)
- uri: uri to specific recipe
- source: original recipe poster
- url: link to the original recipe post, location of the recipe directions
- shareAs: link to easily share the recipe on social media
- yield: # of servings
- healthLabels: health labels
- cautions: recipe cautions
- ingredientLines: ingredient name and amount
- Nutrients
- all 28 nutrient categories
- Daily Percent
- all 25 daily percent categories
Selection slice follows, complete wireframe images can be found further below
Desktop HD Main State: SearchLvl=2
Desktop HD Modal State: presentDetails=true, displayNutrients=true, displayDaily=true
Tablet Main State: SearchLvl=0
Tablet Main State: SearchLvl=2
Phone Lg Main State: SearchLvl=0
This section demonstrates my capacity to develop with the following technologies:
- CSS Grids (for x & y content positioning)
- CSS flex-box (for x or y content positioning)
- Bootstrap (for components)
- Grunt (task runner - SCSS to CSS)
The UI is coded mostly in HTML and SCSS converted into CSS via Grunt. The layout uses CSS Grids for laying content in both x and y directions while flex-box was used for laying content in x or y directions. I also used a jQuery plugin that uses (bootstrap 3) to add a more elegent looking select menu.
Note: The purpose of creating this seperate folder is to highlight the aformentioned skills, so no event listeners, states, or api calls were implemented. The data is manually entered to show my design choices on where I wanted to display information, spacing, information blocking, text sizing, etc. The complete functioning application will be developed via the React framework and Redux for state management. I'm considering using jQuery, to implement functionality, but only after completing this project as a react application.
- Download the project
- Install Grunt
- Intall Npm
- Open terminal, go to the root project folder
- Run "npm install", this installs the necessary dependencies
- Run "grunt sass", this preprocesses the SCSS file into CSS
- Go to "sass" folder -> "dist" folder
- Open either "index.html" or "modal.html"
This section demonstrates my capacity to develop with the following technologies:
- Bootstrap 4
- JQuery
- Grunt (task runner - SCSS to CSS)
The UI is coded mostly in HTML and uses the Bootstrap 4 framework for styles, layouts (bootstrap grid system), and components (modal and select menu). Some custom SCSS converted to CSS via grunt was used to add some customization to stick to the sketch design guidelines. jQuery (limited), was used for click listeners to open the modal. I might return to this section to add jQuery to make an api call and add other features, but wanted to highlight those skills as part of the react section.
Note: The purpose of creating this seperate folder is to highlight the aformentioned skills, so no event listeners, states, or api calls were implemented. The data is manually entered to show my design choices on where I wanted to display information, spacing, information blocking, text sizing, etc. The complete functioning application will be developed via the React framework and Redux for state management. I'm considering using jQuery, to implement functionality, but only after completing this project as a react application.
- Download the project
- Install Grunt
- Intall Npm
- Open terminal, go to the root project folder
- Run "npm install", this installs the necessary dependencies
- Run "grunt sass", this preprocesses the SCSS file into CSS
- Go to "bootstrap" folder
- Open "index.html"
This section demonstrates my capacity to develop with the following technologies:
- HTML/CSS/JavaScript
- React/Redux/Redux-Thunk/Prop-Types/
- Bootstrap 4 / ReactStrap (Component) / CSS Modules
- NPM, Git, GitHub, AWS
- Axios (ReST API Call) / JSON Parsing
- Test Driven Development (TDD) / Jest (Unit/Integration Test) / Enzyme (Mock)
The UI uses bootstrap 4 for general styling like spacing, media queries, and layout to take the design 80% of the way. CSS modules is used to add custom styles that couldn't be achieved using bootstrap. The React framework was used to handle the logic, while state management was achieved using Redux. Redux-Thunk was used to handle async calls and dispatching multiple action creators. Axios is used to make an api call to Edamam to retrieve recipes. Jest and Ezyme are used to perform unit and integration testing.
- Download the project
- Install Grunt
- Intall Npm
- Open terminal, go to the root project folder
- Run "npm install", this installs the necessary dependencies
- Run "npm start"
- Open browser at port 3000
Desktop HD Main State: SearchLvl=0
Desktop HD Main State: SearchLvl=1
Desktop HD Main State: SearchLvl=2
Desktop HD Modal State: presentDetails=true, displayNutrients=false, displayDaily=false
Desktop HD Modal State: presentDetails=true, displayNutrients=true, displayDaily=false
Desktop HD Modal State: presentDetails=true, displayNutrients=true, displayDaily=true
Desktop Main State: SearchLvl=0
Desktop Main State: SearchLvl=1
Desktop Main State: SearchLvl=2
Desktop Modal State: presentDetails=true, displayNutrients=false, displayDaily=false
Desktop Modal State: presentDetails=true, displayNutrients=true, displayDaily=false
Desktop Modal State: presentDetails=true, displayNutrients=true, displayDaily=true
Tablet Main State: SearchLvl=0
Tablet Main State: SearchLvl=1
Tablet Main State: SearchLvl=2
Tablet Modal State: presentDetails=true, displayNutrients=false, displayDaily=false
Tablet Modal State: presentDetails=true, displayNutrients=true, displayDaily=false
Tablet Modal State: presentDetails=true, displayNutrients=true, displayDaily=true
Phone Lg Main State: SearchLvl=0
Phone Lg Main State: SearchLvl=1
Phone Lg Main State: SearchLvl=2
Phone Lg Modal State: presentDetails=true, displayNutrients=false, displayDaily=false
Phone Lg Modal State: presentDetails=true, displayNutrients=true, displayDaily=false
Phone Lg Modal State: presentDetails=true, displayNutrients=true, displayDaily=true
Phone Modal State: presentDetails=true, displayNutrients=false, displayDaily=false
Phone Modal State: presentDetails=true, displayNutrients=true, displayDaily=false
Phone Modal State: presentDetails=true, displayNutrients=true, displayDaily=true