- Brasil - Brasília
datalogger Public
Forked from dliocode/dataloggerDataLogger foi projetado para ser uma biblioteca simples de log com suporte a vários providers.
stone-deeplink Public
Stone Deeplink integration for Delphi (Firemonkey)
horse-datalogger Public
Forked from dliocode/horse-dataloggerHorse-DataLogger: Middleware projetado para registrar todas às requisições e solicitações HTTP para Horse
sqids-delphi Public
Forked from paolo-rossi/sqids-delphiDelphi port of Sqids. Generate short YouTube-looking IDs from numbers
ReduxDelphi Public
Forked from pierrejean-coudert/ReduxDelphiReduxDelphi is a predictable state container for Delphi apps utilizing a unidirectional data flow. Inspired by https://github.com/reactjs/redux .
duck Public
The Duck is a migration framework for database versioning
demo-stone-deeplink Public
A Delphi (Firemonkey) demo project for integration with Stone's card machine
technical-challenge Public
Forked from alepmedeiros/technical-challengeDesafio técnico do treinamento da Formação Sênior Developer
1 UpdatedJun 30, 2022 -
horse-basic-auth Public
Forked from HashLoad/horse-basic-authMiddleware for Basic Authentication in HORSE
horse-jwt Public
Forked from HashLoad/horse-jwtMiddleware for JWT in HORSE
horse Public
Forked from HashLoad/horseFast, opinionated, minimalist web framework for Delphi
myfxbook-api-client Public
🔸Myfxbook API client for Delphi
Horse-ETag Public
Forked from academiadocodigo/Horse-ETagMIddleware para Servidor Horse para Controle de Etags
RESTRequest4Delphi Public
Forked from viniciussanchez/RESTRequest4DelphiAPI to consume REST services written in any programming language with support to Lazarus and Delphi
horse-oauth2-introspect Public
Middleware for OAuth2 token introspection in Horse
delphi-jose-jwt Public
Forked from paolo-rossi/delphi-jose-jwtDelphi implementation of JOSE (JSON Object Signing and Encryption) and JWT (JSON Web Token)
Pascal Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 29, 2021 -