Compass is an app (at the moment only for Android) for orientation in the school Marconi.
The work was made by Marconi's student(s):
- Castellani Davide ([email protected])
- group leader
- app maker (with Android Studio)
- ...
[x] light app [x] offline mode [x] upgrade notification [ ] sync between devices (when it's online)
I used:
- Android Studio
- Google Firebase
- Imagination
What I need in the future:
- a database
- a storage w/ web access
- v0: Test the platforms to made the application
- v1: Made the first version of the app, at the moment it is a webapp
- v2: Transform the app by webapp to native
- v3: Multi-language option
- v4: Add upgrade option, with notification
- v5: Add the possibility to have more than one school/ firm in app, w/ associated website and/ or app for the manager
- v6: Add login to manage all and sync data between the devices
- v7: Wait a moment, please. I have to find new ideas yet
- Version_04.02_2020-08-30
- Version_04.01_2020-08-29
- Version_03.01_2020-08-29
- Version_02.02_2020-08-29
- Version_02.01_2020-08-29
- Version_01.03_2020-06-19
- Version_01.02_2020-06-19
- Version_01.01_2020-06-18
- Version_0.7.0_2019-12-30
- Version_0.6.1_2019-12-06
- Version_0.6.0_2019-11-17
- Version_0.5.3_2019-11-15
- Version_0.5.2_2019-11-14
- Version_0.5.1_2019-11-14
- Version_0.5.0_2019-11-13
- Version_0.4.3_2019-11-08
- Version_0.4.2_2019-11-08
- Version_0.4.1_2019-11-08
- Version_0.4.0_2019-11-07
- Version_0.3.2_2019-11-02
- Version_0.3.1_2019-11-01
- Version_0.3.0_2019-11-01
- Version_0.2.0_2019-10-28
- Version_0.1.0_2019-09-27
- Fixed a bug
- Optimized the code
- Added the zoom to the imgs
- Added user-permission
- Added firebase connection
- Messages/ Notification enabled
- Performance Monitoring
- Analytics
- Lab Test (Passed)
- Crashlytics
- Now availability in English & in Italian
- Optimized titles
- Now it's a native app
- Optimize style
- Optimize titles
- Added "CREDITI"
- Optimize style
- added the logo near the title (in the navbar)
- Added some titles
- Now the app is built with Android Studio
- Orario now run
- Uploaded piano0 img, imagine version: 01.01
- Legenda's icons
- Logo
- "Orario" screen
- database for class names
- "Riconoscimenti" basic structure
- "Contatti" Screen
- Titles on the screens
- titles for the floors
- correct some bugs
- graphichs
- functionality
- correct some bugs
- changed platform (thunkable classic -> thunkable X)
- the type of changing pages
- now it can go on an IOS product
- the tests in the Legend's Screen are in the middle
- another test to zoom imagines (in WebViewer)
- some imagines and writes in the 2nd and 3rd screen
- another test to zoom imagines (in WebViewer)
- Screens names
- an e.g. for the app icon
- platform (appinvertor -> thrunkable classic)
- bottom graphics
- Changed background colour
- zoom imagines (in the WebViewer)
- original imagines (in the WebViewer)
- some screens
- web link
- some test imagines
- bottoms color and form
- Create a schematic ideally app (on