Updated to OC-Suite 2.0.0 RC6
- Fixed possible overflow of ram timing values. this will enable higher freq or increase perf if overflow was happening
- Fixed cpu/gpu min/max voltage patching, and now does proper patching with proper checks. this fixes patching values unrelated to voltage
- Added cpu vmin customization for erista/mariko and cpu 'tune high vmin' for mariko. also cpu/gpu vmin for mariko will be automatically patched for uv like previous version if you don't enable vmin (0 means don't enable)
- GPU vmax is patched to 800mV for safety (can be changed in configurator). so your max gpu freq will be automatically adjusted
- Real cpu max voltage is not patched, so cpu voltage will not go over 1120mV for safety (so depending on your speedo, real 2397 might not be possible on uv1-2). you can still adjust cpu max volt in configurator to tune cpu volt
- Max vdd2 voltage is lowered to 1212.5mV for safety
Updated Sys-Clk-OC 2.0.0-rc4 to test version 2 - Fixed boost mode not working
- Attempt to make auto cpu boost work
Updated OC-Suite Wizard - Support OCS 2.0.0 RC6
- Refactoring