Taigi Telex keyboard is a keyboard for typing Taiwanese be̍h-ōe-jī fast and conveniently.
The principle of fast typing of this Taiwanese keyboard is using combination of letters to replace numbers for input the tones of Taiwanese.
Using letter a as an example, the rule is 'd' represents 'á', 'q' represents 'à', 'w' represents 'â', 'v' represents 'ă','x' represents 'ā', 'x' also represent 'a̍' if there is a final consonant such as p/t/k/h, after the vowel.
The keyboard also sets many doubletapping rules, for example, doubletaping 'n' leads to 'ⁿ', double taping 'o' leads to 'o͘', doubletap 'a', 'u', 'i', 'e' also leads to 'â', 'û', 'î', 'ê' as same as press 'w' after vowels.
This Taiwanese phone keyboard sets the tone marks within the range of users' left thumb. Users don't need to move their fingers far to reach every letters.
On the default page of the phone keyboard, the numbers are moved from 'default' to the 'numeric'. This feature will lead the typing more simple, and this feature will suit the IOS keyboard of IPhone for the future application in Iphone keyboard.
Only the hyphen above all numeric and symbols is remained on the right side of phone default keyboard because hyphen is the most frequent symbol in Taiwanese be̍h-ōe-jī.
This keyboard supports users to type English. Once the user doubletap the letters which represent the tones, those tone marks will disappear and the original letter will be generated after the vowel. This rule also works on each doubletapping shortcut.
In this keyboard, the words and tone marks just generate automatically after you type each keys, you don't need to select the words above the keyboard like Chinese input method, such as the phahtaigi IME anymore.This typing way changed the way of thinking when users are typing Taiwanese pe̍h-ōe-jī. This keyboard encourages users to think in phonogram way instead of logogram way.
The inspiration of this Taigi Telex keyboard came from the Taigi POJ keyboard and the Vietnamese Telex keyboard. The Vietnamese Telex keyboard is the most successful romanization keyboard for Asian languages. The feature of Vietnamese Telex keyboard allow users to type fast and type English. Those features are inclusive for borrowed language and creating new words, as the benefit of romanization writing system is creativity and inclusive. Thanks for Ngô͘ Ka-bêng and Mike Vo providing their source on Github for me to reference.
I expect I can collaborate with Ngô͘ Ka-bêng and integrate this keyboard with Taiwanese character typing. I am planning to make a keyboard combining the Taiwanese pe̍h-ōe-jī, the English, the the Taiwanese characters, then contribute this keyboard to Apple, Microsoft, and Google. I expect people will get this integrated Taiwanese keyboard from the system setting of their computers and phones in the future.
Taigi Telex鍵盤是一款快速方便拍台語白話字ê鍵盤。
鍵盤嘛設定矣真濟雙擊法度,譬如,雙擊“n”生成“ⁿ”,雙擊“o”生成“o͘”,雙擊“a”,“u”,“i”,“e”嘛生成'â' 、'û'、'î'、'ê' ,佮佇母音後算'w'相仝。
佇這个鍵盤中,單字佮聲調標記佇你鍵入逐个鍵後自動生成,你無閣需要像中文輸入法(譬如phahtaigi IME)彼種選擇鍵盤懸頂ê單字。這款打字方式改變矣思維方式做使用者輸入台灣語pe̍h-ōe-jī時。 此鍵盤鼓勵使用者用表音文字ê方式啊毋是象形文字ê方式思考。
這款Taigi Telex鍵盤ê靈感來自Taigi POJ鍵盤佮越南Telex鍵盤。越南Telex鍵盤是亞洲語言上成功ê羅馬化鍵盤。 越南Telex鍵盤ê功能准使用者快速輸入佮輸入英語。遮的特徵對佇外來語言佮創造新詞來講具有包容性,因為羅馬化書寫系統ê好空ê是創造性佮包容性。 感謝Ngô͘ Ka-bêng佮Mike Vo佇github頂提供矣𪜶的源碼供我參考。
我希望會當佮Ngô͘ Ka-bêng合作,共這个鍵盤佮台語打字結合。我計劃製作一个結合矣台語白話字、英語、台語漢字ê鍵盤,閣來共這个鍵盤貢獻予Apple、Microsft佮Google。 我希望人未來會當對電腦佮手機仔ê系統設定內底得著這款結合ê台文鍵盤。
Taigi Telex 鍵盤是一款快速方便輸入台語羅馬字pe̍h-ōe-jī的鍵盤。
鍵盤也設定了許多雙擊規則,例如,雙擊“n”生成“ⁿ”,雙擊“o”生成“o͘”,雙擊“a”,“u”,“i”,“e”也生成'â' 、'û'、'î'、'ê' ,與在母音後按'w' 相同。
這款台灣手機鍵盤將音調符號設定在使用者左手拇指的範圍內。 使用者無需將手指移動太遠即可觸及每個字母。
在手機鍵盤的預設頁面中,數字從「預設」移至「數字」。 該功能將使打字變得更加簡單,並且該功能將適合iPhone ê 鍵盤,以便將來在Iphone鍵盤中ê應用。
手機預設鍵盤右側僅保留所有數字和符號之上的連字符,因為連字符是台語 be̍h-ōe-jī 中最常見的符號。
此鍵盤支援用戶輸入英文。 一旦使用者雙擊代表聲調的字母,這些聲調標記就會消失,並在元音後面產生原始字母。 此規則也適用於每個雙擊快捷鍵。
在這個鍵盤中,單字和聲調標記在您鍵入每個鍵後自動生成,您不再需要像中文輸入法(比如phahtaigi IME)那樣選擇鍵盤上方的單字。這種打字方式改變了思維方式當使用者輸入台語pe̍h-ōe-jī 時。 此鍵盤鼓勵使用者以表音文字的方式而不是象形文字的方式思考。
這款 Taigi Telex鍵盤的靈感來自 Taigi POJ 鍵盤和越南電報鍵盤。 越南電報鍵盤是亞洲語言最成功的羅馬化鍵盤。 越南電報鍵盤的功能允許使用者快速輸入和輸入英語。 這些特徵對於外來語言和創造新詞來說具有包容性,因為羅馬化書寫系統的好處是創造性和包容性。 感謝 Ngô͘ Ka-bêng 和 Mike Vo 在 github 上提供了他們的源碼供我參考。
我希望能與 Ngô͘ Ka-bêng 合作,將這個鍵盤與台語打字結合。 我計劃製作一個結合了台語羅馬字pe̍h-ōe-ji、英語、台語漢字的鍵盤,然後將這個鍵盤提交給蘋果、微軟和谷歌。 我希望人們將來可以從電腦和手機的系統設定中獲得這種結合的台文鍵盤。