A note application backend
This application use Auth0 for the users management, FCM for notifications and Airtable as a storage.
go build ./cmd/server
This application can be configured in the file internal/pkg/config.go
type Config struct {
Port string `env:"PORT" envDefault:"9090"`
Certificate string `env:"CERTIFICATE,file" envDefault:"../../certificates/auth0.pem" json:"-"`
Issuer string `env:"ISSUER" envDefault:"https://dev-dgoly5h6.eu.auth0.com/"`
Audience []string `env:"AUDIENCE" envDefault:"casseur_flutter"`
ApiKey string `env:"API_KEY,required"` // AirTable API Key
BaseID string `env:"BASE_ID,required"` // AirTable Base ID
FcmServerKey string `env:"FCM_SERVER_KEY,required"`