- Toulouse, FR.
generator-mitosis Public
A micro-service infrastructure generator based on Yeoman/Chatbot, Kubernetes/Docker Swarm, Traefik, Ansible, Jenkins, Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, etc.
docs-content Public
Forked from scaleway/docs-contentScaleway Documentation contents
HTML UpdatedOct 11, 2021 -
vault-on-gke Public
Forked from sethvargo/vault-on-gkeRun @HashiCorp Vault on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) with Terraform
cloud-foundation-toolkit Public
Forked from GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-foundation-toolkitThe Cloud Foundation toolkit provides GCP best practices as code.
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 11, 2020 -
mitosis Public
A SDaaS for building Big Data, Machine Learning and Serverless applications based on cost prediction driven development
Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 21, 2019 -
Io-Data-Processing Public
Forked from SaschaHeyer/Io-Data-ProcessingLarge data processing with Cloud Dataflow and Cloud Datastore and Cloud Functions
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 5, 2019 -
bigdata-playground Public
A complete example of a big data application using : Kubernetes (kops/aws), Apache Spark SQL/Streaming/MLib, Apache Flink, Scala, Python, Apache Kafka, Apache Hbase, Apache Parquet, Apache Avro, Ap…
serverless-playground Public archive
Building Serverless workflow with OpenFaaS and Kubernetes. Any code supported by OpenFaaS can be packaged as a function enabling you to consume a range of web events without repetitive boiler-plate…
52-technologies-in-2016 Public
Forked from shekhargulati/52-technologies-in-2016Let's learn a new technology every week. A new technology blog every Sunday in 2016.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 6, 2018 -
Microservice application that uses Apache Spark, Kafka and Cassandra
mitosis-dockerfiles Public
Regroup all dockerfiles for mitosis generator
Microservice application that uses Spring5 Reactor Kafka Gradle
Microservice application that uses mongodb, expressjs, angular, nodejs, kafka, graphql, websocket
spring-framework Public
Forked from spring-projects/spring-frameworkThe Spring Framework
Java UpdatedSep 5, 2017 -
material2 Public
Forked from angular/componentsMaterial Design components for Angular
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedSep 5, 2017 -
awesome-docker Public
Forked from veggiemonk/awesome-docker🐳 A curated list of Docker resources and projects
Other UpdatedMar 16, 2017 -
blueocean-plugin Public
Forked from jenkinsci/blueocean-pluginBlue Ocean is a reboot of the Jenkins CI/CD User Experience
Java MIT License UpdatedMar 9, 2017 -
beats Public
Forked from elastic/beats🐠 Beats - Lightweight shippers for Elasticsearch & Logstash
Go Other UpdatedFeb 10, 2017 -
kubernetes Public
Forked from kubernetes/kubernetesProduction-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 28, 2017 -
reveal.js Public
Forked from hakimel/reveal.jsThe HTML Presentation Framework
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 25, 2017 -
generator-jhipster Public
Forked from jhipster/generator-jhipsterOpen Source application generator for creating Spring Boot + AngularJS projects in seconds!
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 20, 2017 -
k8s-playground Public
Forked from errordeveloper/kubernetes-ansible-vagrantSimple VM based Kubernetes cluster setup
ng2-polymer-sample Public
Angular2 & Polymer Sample using angular-cli & angular2-polymer
ECRS Public
Forked from oxyno-zeta/ECRSElectron Crash Reporter Server
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 22, 2016 -
angular-cli Public
Forked from angular/angular-cliCLI tool for Angular2
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 22, 2016