Blazor Component for collections to Fade In and Out using Blazor and some javascript
I may look into making this component available on NuGet.
Sample on Blazorfiddle:
For Blazor 8, the page must be InteractiveServer or InteractiveWebAssembly
Items="$Collection or List$" Context="$name of your contect items$"
OnShowedAllItems="$optional method to call once all the collection items have been faded in and out$"
ViewableSeconds=$optional value for the display duration in seconds for each item, default is 5 (seconds) $>
$put your own html\tags\components to display the items$
For example if you have a collection of circles, like in the image below, and you want to display each circle (component) one at a time (fading in and out),
You can use the CollectionFadeInOut component wrapper around the collection so that the page shows 1 circle at a time, as shown in the subsequent images below.
using the CollectionFadeInOut component wrapper would have the page showing as below, with each circle fading in and out.