A GUI for the Chameleon Ultra/Chameleon Lite written in Flutter for cross platform operation
Download the installer here. Short link: https://chameleonultragui.dev/windows
Or, portable version. Short link: https://chameleonultragui.dev/windows-portable
Download the Linux build
- Debian-based (.deb). Short link: https://chameleonultragui.dev/linux-debian
- Arch-based / or -git. Short link: https://chameleonultragui.dev/linux-arch
- Other. Short link: https://chameleonultragui.dev/linux
Download it from Apple App Store: Chameleon Ultra GUI. Short link: https://chameleonultragui.dev/ios
Or, you can join TestFlight to get builds earlier: Chameleon Ultra GUI - TestFlight
Download it from Google Play Store: Chameleon Ultra GUI. Short link: https://chameleonultragui.dev/android
Or, plain APK. Short link: https://chameleonultragui.dev/android-apk
- F-Store: not yet
- Flathub: not yet
- Chocolatey (Windows): not yet
Note: Under some Linux systems, especially ones running KDE desktop environments, you may need to install the zenity
package for the file picker to work correctly.
- apk: Android APK, download and install either via ADB or your app/file manager of choice
- linux: zip file containing the linux build, either run the binary manually or install using cmake
- linux-debian: Debain Auto Packaging, Download and install with either apt, apt-get or dpkg.
- windows: zip file containing windows build, run the binary manually
- windows-installer: NSIS based Windows Installer, Installs the Windows build and creates Shortcuts
You might need to add your user to the dialout
or, on Arch Linux, to the uucp
group for the app to talk to the device. If your user is not in this group, you may get serial or permission errors.
It is also highly recommended to either uninstall or disable ModemManager (sudo systemctl disable --now modemmanager
) as many distros ship ModemManager and it may interfere with communication.
Contributions are welcome, most stuff that needs to be done can either be found in our issues or on the Project board
If you want to collaborate by adding your language to the application, you can do it through our Crowdin project. Do not contribute files into chameleonultragui/lib/l10n/app_*.arb
. All translations should be added only to Crowdin. If your language is missing, you can create issue and ask to enable it. "Chameleon Ultra GUI", "Chameleon" and other trademarks should not be translated.
You want to support us and donate? Thank you, you make it possible for us to keep this app free and make it easier to publish this app on the Apple App Store.
You have the following options:
Open Collective: Chameleon Ultra GUI
Crypto Currencies if your into that jam (Although open collective is preferred):
- BTC: bc1qrcd4ctxagaxsetyhpzc08d2upl0mh498gp3lkl
- ETH: 0x0f20e505E9e534236dF4390DcFfD5C4A03C0eec7