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Library to log requests and responses of JAX-RS resources with MDC.


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JAX-RS Requests Logging

Dependency Check Maven Central License

This library allows you to easily log (with MDC) requests and responses by annotation of JAX-RS resources.


The dependency is available in maven central (see badge for version):



The logging of requests and responses is done through a filter that can be activated on a resource with:


It will add the following information to MDC for the request processing (meaning that all logs within the processing of the request by the resource will have them):

  • Request identifier (from X-Request-ID header or random UUID)
  • Request HTTP method
  • Request URI path relative to the base URI
  • Request query parameters
  • Resource class matched by the current request
  • Resource method matched by the current request

Once the response is computed, the request will be logged using the format:

Processed [method] [URI] with status [status] in [duration]ms

with the following MDC fields set:

  • Response HTTP status
  • Response duration in milliseconds

Additional logging features can be activated using properties of the annotation:

@Logged(requestBody = {LOG, MDC}, responseBody = {LOG, MDC}, filtersBody = {YourBodyFilter.class})
  • requestBody
    • LOG: Logging the request body in a new log line Received [method] [URI] [body]
    • MDC: Logging the request body as MDC only in the Processed ... log line
  • responseBody
    • LOG: Logging the response body at the end of the Processed ... log line
    • MDC: Logging the response body as MDC only in the Processed ... log line
  • filtersBody: Classes implementing the functional interface LoggedBodyFilter to filter any body before writing it in logs, for example to remove sensitive data that could be present.
  • limitBody: Size limit in bytes of the request / response body logged (not limited by default).

By careful when activating any body logging, it may produce issues if the body size is not limited.


Given an endpoint on which users can create new articles, annotated with @Logged (the annotation can also be on methods, for example in case of specific configuration):

@Logged(requestBody = MDC, responseBody = MDC)
public class ArticleResource {

    public Article create(Article article) {
        // Creation of the article in the database


When the following request is sent:

Content-Type: application/json

{ "content": "Something" }

Then the following log is written:

Processed POST /article with status 200 in 15ms

with the following MDC fields:

  • request-id: 02625ee3-03ae-4e26-a83b-74477c5824d2
  • request-method: POST
  • request-uri: /article
  • request-body: { "content": "Something" }
  • resource-class: ArticleResource
  • resource-method: create
  • response-status: 200
  • response-body: { "id" : 1, "content": "Something" }
  • duration: 15

MDC Mappings

Mappings can be defined to create MDC entries applied to any logs during the request processing from:

  • Any header of the request
  • Any query parameter of the request
  • Any path parameter of the request

Those mappings are defined with annotations to put on JAX-RS methods, classes and possibly their interfaces.

The example below defines three mappings and creates the following MDC entries:

  • request-user-agent from the header User-Agent
  • request-topic from the query parameter topic
  • request-draft from the path parameter draft
@LoggedMapping(type = HEADER, mdcKey = "request-user-agent", paramNames = "User-Agent")
@LoggedMapping(type = QUERY, mdcKey = "request-topic", paramNames = "topic")
@LoggedMapping(type = PATH, mdcKey = "request-draft", paramNames = "draft")
public Article create(@PathParam("topic") String topicId, @QueryParam("draft") Boolean draft, Article article) {
    // Creation of the article

Automatic mapping can also be enabled to create MDC entries with the same names as the parameters. A prefix can be specified to avoid conflicts with other MDC entries:

@LoggedMapping(type = HEADER, auto = true, mdcPrefix = "header-")

This automatic mapping creates, for example, the following MDC entries for a common HTTP request:

  • header-Accept with value */*
  • header-Accept-Encoding with value gzip,deflate
  • header-Connection with value Keep-Alive
  • header-Host with value localhost:8081

Specific mappings can also be excluded (without giving mdcKey value):

@LoggedMapping(type = HEADER, paramNames = "Accept")

Note that a field can only be mapped once, and its exclusion will have priority. If you try to map a field that is already mapped, it will be ignored.


An example of extension of the filter is available with UserLogged and UserLoggedFilter. In this example, you can find the following customization of the original filter:

  • Log new user-id field in MDC
  • Log new user-agent field in MDC if activated in annotation
  • Change request-id logic to get it from a header field
  • Rename MDC field of request-id to request-identifier


If you have a feature request or found a bug, you can:

  • Write an issue
  • Create a pull request

If you want to contribute then

  • Please write tests covering all your changes
  • Ensure you didn't break the build by running mvn test
  • Fork the repo and create a pull request


This project is under Apache 2.0 License.


Library to log requests and responses of JAX-RS resources with MDC.







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