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An backend application for searching books and getting recommendations for books based on your likes and dislikes

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Book Recommendation App

This is a Node.js Express application for searching different books by title, author, subject using Open Library API, saving favorite books to personal library and adding rating and review to favorite books.

One of it's major features is recommending books to users based on their previous ratings by relying on ratings of other users for similar books and computing a similariy index between the users using a variation of Jaccard index formula and recommending books based on this similariy index. It supports user authentication using auth and refresh tokens with email support.

Table of contents:


To build and run this app locally you will need a few things:

Getting started

  • Clone the repository
git clone --depth=1 <project_name>
  • Install dependencies
cd <project_name>
npm install
  • Install Knex Migration CLI
# install knex migration cli
npm install knex -g
  • Create a User and a Database
# Change user to postgres
sudo -u postgres psql
# Create Database 
# Create User
# Grant Database Access to User
  • Build and run the project
# Emit Javascript files from the Typescript source file
npm run build
# Run knex migration files
knex migrate:run --knexfile ./dist/util/knexFile.js
# Start the server
npm start

Project Structure

The full folder structure of this app is explained below:

Name Description
dist Contains the Javascript files emitted from Typescript, this is the code that will be deployed
node_modules Contains all your npm dependencies
knex Contains migrations and seeds
knex/migrations Contains knex migrations files
src Contains your source code that will be compiled to the dist dir
src/config Contains enviroment and logging configurations for the project
src/controllers Controllers define functions that respond to various http requests
src/interfaces Contains Model Schemas and other types used in the application
src/middlewares Contains authentication and validation middlewares to process request before they are handled by the controller
src/models Models define database schema that will be used in storing and retrieving data from Postgresql
src/routes Contains files mapping routes to controllers
src/services Contains files that handle specific logics and used in the controller
src/util Utility files for sending emails and adding specific functionalities to the app
src/validators Yup schema object validators
src/server.ts Entry point to your express app
templates Email Html Templates
.env.example API keys, tokens, passwords, database URI. Clone this, but don't check it in to public repos.
package.json File that contains npm dependencies as well as [build scripts]
tsconfig.json Config settings for compiling server code written in TypeScript


Dependencies are managed through package.json. In that file you'll find two sections:


Package Description
bcryptjs Library for hashing and salting user passwords.
body-parser Express 4 middleware.
cors Express 4 middleware.
dotenv Loads environment variables from .env file.
express Node.js web framework.
yup Schema validation library
lodash General utility library.
nodemailer Node.js library for sending emails.
jsonwebtoken Json Web token Library
winston Logging library
pg Node.js Postgresql native driver
knex SQL query builder
node-fetch Fetch API Implementation for Node.js


Package Description
@types Dependencies in this folder are .d.ts files used to provide types
concurrently Utility that manages multiple concurrent tasks. Used with npm scripts
nodemon Utility that automatically restarts node process when it crashes
typescript JavaScript compiler/type checker that boosts JavaScript productivity

To install or update these dependencies you can use npm install or npm update.


An backend application for searching books and getting recommendations for books based on your likes and dislikes






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